THE DEFILED — UNCENSORED , UNRATED, UNFORGETTABLE and UNFORGIVABLE... WE ARE ALL MEAT — In a post apocalyptic world, science and technology have backfired leaving unfathomable destruction and a permanently diseased planet in... more » its wake. A virus is mutating the human race, turning innocent survivors into mindless cannibals. In a savage future world devoid of hope, a man infected with the deadly viral disease must cope with the burden of a new born son, ensuring his survival. Though he is infected, he does not allow his growing desire for human flesh to overcome his responsibility to the newborn. Along the road, traveling from town to town, he saves an unaffected woman from a certain death by facing down her perpetrators. Ultimately, she joins him on his odyssey, a journey through hell on earth in search of a safe haven in which they can perhaps start a life together, both becoming committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure the child survives. Reminiscent of the work of Lynch, Maddin and Tarkovsky, The Defiled is a black and white epic of unparalleled artistry examining life, death and the ultimate sacrifice of love. Not since Carnival of Souls and Night of the Living Dead has a film captured the surreal outer dimensions of the human condition.
"THE DEFILED may be the most nihilistic zombie film I've seen since NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, with beautiful cinematography that recalls both that film and CARNIVAL OF SOULS. Julian Grant has crafted a cinematic meditation on family that should tear the family values crowd to pieces." -Greg Lamberson, SLIME CITY MASSACRE« less