William L. Phipps | Tuckahoe, NY United States | 08/06/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As TV movies go, this one is a notch above others, thanks to a fine
performance by Rosanna Arquette as an illustrator of children's books
who finds herself in over her head when a serial killer takes over her life. Fine support by Anthony Perkins (his last film), D.J. Moffatt,
and Will Patton in an amusing turn as the detective on the case. The
film springs some surprises, and the script stays on course. Arquette
makes you believe that human lives are at stake here. She stays inside
this character and inhabits it immaculately. Highly recommended!"
Anthony Perkin's last movie
Cassio A Francisco | São Paulo, Brazil | 11/07/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Anthony Perkin's last movie is as intriguing as his characters, specially Norman Bates, the one that took him into stardom. In this OK made-for-TV film he portrays Paul, a private eye supposed searching for the killer of your client. However, he's in fact following Joanna Warren (Rosana Arquete). Because of his attitude, he becomes the # 1 suspect of a series of murders that are taking place in the woods. Is he the psychopath? While you are guessing, think about the great actor Mr. Perkins was. Certainly there will never be another psycho so convincing."