Midgets and nudity... but it still sucks?
John Kolecki | Philadelphia, PA United States | 02/11/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Normally, if you told me I was about to watch a movie with midgets and nudity I'd order up some food, grab a drink and get ready for a fun night of movie watching. Somehow Decadent Evil proved me wrong. Now granted, I am giving this thing 2 stars for the aforementioned reasons, but I must stop there as so much else is wrong with this movie. First, it's not a movie. It's ONE HOUR LONG. HELLLOOOOOOO???!! 1 hour = tv show. This is an extended episode of "Tales from the Crypt" and really I would give Tales more credit than this. It's another take on a vampire tale with the added bonus of having a really ugly muppet/puppet in a cage as the pet of one of the female vampires. I could try and describe the plot, but the story is so uncompelling that attempting to repeat it in any way would cause more effort than just sitting in the chair and having the plot ham-fistedly shoved down your throat as the movie so expertly does. Its about female vampries that work in a strip club and a midget Van Helsing... that's all I'll say. Now to the summary: The goods: (obligatory nudity, and a midget vampire slayer with a cool hat) The bads: The special effects (the muppet(s), the piss-poor acting of 3/4 of the cast, the ham fisted plot. 2 Stars. I am officially offering up a new classification for movies that make great cannon fodder for running commentary. In tribute to Mystery Science Theatre 3000, I am going to add "3000" to any movie title that is bad, but good enough to goof on. This qualified. Enjoy Decadent Evil 3000."
Can't make up its mind
lecudedag | NSW Australia | 01/24/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The makers of this film couldn't decide what kind of film they wanted. The first 10 mins of my copy had exerts from "Vampire Journals". So this film must be some kind of continuation, but they needed to give you 10mins of the previous film to bring you up to speed.
Next we get to the present film. It started off really good. A guy takes his girl to a strip joint. She's reluctant to be there. A stripper (a vampire) comes over and offers her a lap-dance - and this is where it got better, the stripper is able to seduce her and they all go back to the stipper's joint - which happens to be a mansion. Again the woman's reluctant but the stripper has some power to turn her on. And then suddenly all of this is taken away. Another vampire (the 'queen') shows up. Bits the guy. The girlfriend runs off, grabbed by the queen who feeds on her. Suddenly they've gone from having a sexually charged willing victim to just a victim. And the vampire bites her and less than five seconds later she's done. What happened to their power to seduce their victim?
Then there's a puppet vampire!
One of the vampire strippers falls in love for a guy she works down at the club with - a very over-used plot vehicle.
The guy she works with teams up with a midget vampire hunter.
What a confused mess."