Currently Unavailable DVDs (26)2013 - Cry of the City 2013 - Bird of Paradise 2013 - Gambler From Natchez The 2012 - The Last Hunt 2007 - Broken Arrow 2007 - White Feather 2006 - 14 Hours (Fox Film Noir) 2006 - The River's Edge 2004 - Prince Valiant 2004 - Belles on Their Toes 2003 - The Haunted Palace / The Tower of London 2003 - Fritz Lang's Indian Epic (The Tiger of Eschnapur / The Indian Tomb) 2002 - Love Me Tender 2001 - Fritz Lang's The Tiger of Eschnapur (aka Journey to the Lost City, Part 1) 2001 - Fritz Lang's The Indian Tomb (aka Journey to the Lost City, Part 2) 2001 - Demetrius and the Gladiators