It was a bombshell that titilated & provoked the american imagination at the time of its release. Now a fascinating peek at the turbulent lives & times surrounding the worlds most famous porn movies. Studio: New V... more »ideo Group Release Date: 03/14/2006 Run time: 96 minutes« less
A not very enlightening documentary about the infamous movie. What ever happened to Bambi Woods? No one knows and this documentary did nothing to enlighten us. Once again the mob angle was shown as being the real problem. I have not yet seen the actual movie of this one either.
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Movie Reviews
I could have helped with this one
Jim M. Van Cise | Mentor, Ohio USA | 03/21/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, I'm only reviewing the 47 minute documentary and not the accompanying movie about 2 women getting into the business. Many of the stars chose to not participate because they have moved on with their lives. Kudos to Eric Edwards for sharing. If there was one male star I would have traded places with for a few films, it would be him. Robin Byrd is someone who was too skanky to be in the original movie to begin with. Her contribution was an edited 15 minute session. Hopefully, they didn't pay her much for that. The absolutely silly "hook" to this documentary were the frequent references to Bambi Woods being a one hit wonder. The narrator implies thru interviews with a producer associated with the original film that Bambi made one movie and disappeared forever. The producer actually says that he wanted to do a sequel but he let up when Bambi wasn't interested. It's not hard to get a copy of other films like Debbie Does Dallas 2 and 3. Not once were these other two movies mentioned. Even an interview with R. Bolla (OH, Mr. Greenfield!) where he talks of having gone out with Bambi ONCE the night after they did some shooting. She may have not been in the business long but she was in at least 2 other movies looking a little older and heavier. Mr. Greenfield scored more than one touchdown! The film maker neglets to mention that "Debbie" character appeared in 2 subpar sequels. Also, one other misleading thing about this release is a popular magazine (GIANT)advertised it as being a re-release of the original movie."
Slick dreck
prfb | Elkins, WV USA | 01/08/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you absolutely MUST see this one, try to borrow or (at worst) rent it somewhere.
Because contrary to one of the official reviews, this film is VERY judgemental about porn and the porn industry. All that porno stuff is evil, wicked, mean and nasty, funnels millions to mafia mobsters, and probably gives you cavities, scabies, and ring-around-the-collar to boot, don'tcha know? It's just that this film isn't honest enough to come right out and say so out loud. Instead, in a marvel of selective presentation, this film bravely confirms what every Jerry Springer audience already "knows."
Hey, maybe every single thing they allege is gospel-true - but I can get that POV from Falwell, Robertson and their ilk constantly, endlessly, and anytime day or night. And for free.
What chaps my cheeks about this particular DVD is that it uses the mystique and curiousity surrounding a classic adult film not to try to resolve anything much about its so-called subject, but to give you instead (among other delights) a straight-laced ex-FBI'er condemning porn (at length) and gloating about harassing a suspect into a fatal heart attack. Now *that's* entertainment!
And did I mention that their whole pretext for this project - the search for Bambi Woods - just kind of dribbles away inconclusively, in the end, without any real resolution? Talk about a red herring!
In short, believe that other purchaser who said he returned his copy because it wasn't what was advertised. This whole production is a study in false advertising. I gave it an extra star for being technically well-done, but otherwise it's remarkably half-baked."
42nd Street Revisited
Edward D. Terhune | Basking Ridge, NJ United States | 10/02/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Wasn't it Mencken who noted that Americans are the most sex obsessed and, conversely, the most sex repressed people ever? "Debbie Does Dallas: Uncovered", a British-TV investigation into the history of the notorious porno film from the late 70's, a porno film that has, so far, financially grossed multi-millions, would seem to provide a potent starting point in one's quest to prove the validity of Mencken's (if it indeed was Mencken who said it) observation. It's a disjointed film; there's no linear progression of story here-- the film-makers jump from one observation to another, from one interview to another, from film clip to film clip, as if searching for a main point or theme to hang the frame of their movie on. For all that, there are fascinating (not to mention disturbing) moments here. With the exception of Robin Byrd, none of the women involved in the film consented to an interview (not surprising, I guess, but their absence does detract substantially from the film overall, as they're obviously an integral part of any serious examination of pornography, and to say women are the ones primarily exploited by pornography is not a moral statement or a value judgement...I'm not a prude or a proponent of censorship...but a statement of empirical fact). The male actors do consent to being interviewed, and respond to the questions with varying degrees of insight, humor, and even sadness. Robert Kerman aka R. Bolla, looking doughy and old, notes the harsh reality of his life passing him drearily by, without accomplishment or fulfillment or any evident joy. Then, with a certain sardonic humor, he observes, "Though there is 'Debbie Does Dallas'. What a legacy, huh?" Passing mention is also made during the course of the film of underworld involvement in the financing and distribution of the film, and of attempts on the part of the authorities to prosecute those involved (it would appear that the actors and actresses weren't the only ones scarred by their involvement in "Debbie Does Dallas"; there's something unsettling and creepy about the image of the retired FBI agent leafing wordlessly through his thick albums of pornography). Thankfully, there's no overt moralizing or smug Janus-faced hypocrisy, no facile rationalizations or easy answers offered, no puritanical pontificating dispensed-- there doesn't really have to be. Perhaps nothing better illustrates the inherently exploitative nature of pornography than the revelation that those "acting" in the film received, at most, a few hundred dollars, while those controlling the film are still making a fortune. Then there's the mystery of "Debbie"-- the beautiful, enigmatic actress "Bambi Woods". It's been reported that she died of a drug overdose (as did her co-star in the movie, Arcadia Lake). It's also been reported that she was "saved" by her religious parents, and now lives an anonymous life somewhere in suburbia. The film-makers don't solve the mystery, although they do go so far as to hire a private investigator. On the website "YesButNoButYes" recently, a woman purporting to be Bambi Woods gives an interview refuting much of what is said in the documentary. She was never a cheer-leader, her parents were religious but not excessively so, she never dated Robert Kerman (not even once), her birth-name was not Debbie De Santo or Barbara Woodson, she was not "saved" by her parents but left porno voluntarily and maintained her anonymity by cutting her hair short, changing its color to black, and using her original name. According to the woman claiming to be "Debbie", she kicked a drug habit, married, had children, and currently lives a satisfying albeit "boring" life in California. I read the interview and actually found myself hoping it was her. There are a depressing abundance of stories concerning early deaths, wasted lives, and blighted psyches connected with involvement in pornography. It's refreshing to believe that someone actually was able to emerge from the experience relatively unscathed, that someone was actually able to transcend what assuredly had to be, at best, a sad episode from her past and go on to live a fruitful, fulfilling and happy life. One doesn't have to view "Debbie Does Dallas: Uncovered" to realize how truly rare that must be."
Limp documentary
Julian A. Schulz | Boston, MA | 02/01/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Debbie Does Dallas & star, Bambi Woods, present interesting subject matter for an in-depth documentary.
You have a ground breaking, late 70's hardcore film, financed for very little money, which in turn makes millions upon millions & remains sought after thirty years after it's release.
You also have the subsequent dissapearance of Woods, a seemingly 'girl next door' type that inexplicably decides to portray "Debbie."
Instead we get the rantings of an FBI informant, and nonsensical ramblings of Robin Byrd, who had a minor role in the film.
Many of the male actors seem wounded, ultimately defined by the film they were paid very little for.
The halfhearted search for boxcover star, Bambi Woods, reveals nothing.
The director & producers, convienently gloss over the fact that Woods actually followed up the original film with two sequels!
Instead, to possibly make her tale more intriguing, they lead the viewer's to believe she did one film, never to be heard from again.
Very odd, indeed.
If you must view this feature, i recommend renting it.