Asian WIP Funfest.
4-Legged Defender | ATL. GA. | 02/20/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"As stated in my other reviews of these films, all WIP flix no matter where produced have the same storyline (read my other reviews for further clarity), only this time out, the women are in competition for a special assignment, but only one gets chosen and, if successful, gets a pardon. Now we`re getting deep here for a WIP flick, so stay close and try to keep up, OK? This film is a bit edgier than the other Switchblade Pictures I`ve reviewed, and it`s not terrible to endure, even enjoyable if you`re a fan - if not, what the hell are you doing here reading my review? The lead actress can act (within reason) and the other inmates aren`t as hideous as those in Roger Corman`s releases from the 70`s, but a WIP flick is a WIP flick, no more, no less. Some less painful than others (again, read my reviews) and this is one of them. If you`re in the choir, let`s run through it one more time, from the top."