This Movie is about A True Modern Day Saint
Jerry C. Lewey | Everywhere | 11/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While walking through my local library one day, I noticed a documentary. I love documentaries. I was bored and had nothing to do that night, so, I rented this movie. As it turns out, it was one of the best, most thought provoking documentaries I've ever seen. It's not full of excitement or anything like that, but very eye opening and pure, as is the man this movie is about.
AT THE DEATH HOUSE DOOR is about a reverend that was hired at a state penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas in the late 70s or early 80s as the prison chaplain. His job was quickly changed to death row chaplain. To sum this man's job up is to say that he was responsible for making sure that the prisoner, on his last day of life, was not going to go in kicking and screaming. In other words, have that individual come to peace with dying and understanding what he or she has done wrong and hopefully, regardless of religous background, come to peace with spirituality or God. Along the way, he does a tape recording after their death for every one of the inmates that was executed describing in detail how the person was reacting. Some were more interesting than others. However, some of the deathrow inmates were innocent he felt and this deeply disturbed our heroic chaplain. It's an interesting story of one man's journey and how he dealt with the pain he was going through. In that time period, he witnessed dozens and dozens and dozens of executions until finally he resigned from the position and became an advocate against the death penalty.
This DVD is a touching story and I certainly suggest it. It truly is a 5-star documentary."
Thought Provoking
ars21 | 06/30/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For many years now, I have been inconsistent about my view on the death penalty. What is so great about this documentary is that it beautifully mirrors my confusion - it raises questions without giving any clear cut answers. After viewing this film, I did a lot of research, curious to know whether it had the same impact on others that it had on me. Not surprisingly, it has been screened across the country since then, even on Capitol Hill, and has spurred on discussion between lawmakers, scholars and activists. For a unique and personal exploration into the concept of the death penalty, you MUST watch this film! I HIGHLY recommend it."
Artful and Poignant
Alicia Guarracino | 04/15/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A unique and intimate perspective of the Death Penalty. When I think about all of the media that went into the making of this film, especially Pastor Pickett's tapes, I see God's divine plan at work. This documentary was born of inevitability. It is as much about the Death Penalty as it is an illustration of what a life lived for Christ truly looks like: painful, lonely at times, and full of priceless epiphanies. I show this film to my students whenever I teach the persuasive essay, and class discussion is always fruitful afterwards. A gorgeously rendered documentary that speaks to the heart and soul."