"So I guess this is the 00's gay cable flick equivalent to the 80's B-action movies, the ones starring Chuck Norris or Michael Dudikoff (and that's a weird filmic phenomenon if you ask me).
Only this one was made with even less money than its ancient precursors, and that hurts the movie. The filmmakers try hard to provide a suspenseful small scale action substitute for the genre's requisite action-driven big finale, but they don't succeed, and you can't blame them, when you see the little production muscle they had to work with.
And basically that's the biggest letdown of the movie. Otherwise it's reasonably entertainning, and all the actors are likable (you gotta love Rae Dawn Chong).
Excellent, excellent, excellent
Mark | Madison, Wisconsin | 05/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really liked this movie because of the gay theme and positive story. There are many "mainstream" movies out there with gay characters that are not positive at all. This story shows the gay men in a positive way and doing something with purpose. What it also shows is how the military discharges men and women, and in this case men who are gay because they are gay. The main character was sick of "living a lie" within the military and came out. It was then that they discharged him. You can be hetrosexual and advertise it to everyone, but let someone say that they are gay and they are discharged from the military. Granted this is a B thriller movie, but in my book it is A+. I recommend everyone seeing this movie. If for nothing else, to see a gay positive movie that does have a happy ending."
A middling review
R. Chandon | SanFranciscoBay Area | 02/12/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I liked the story idea. Two meteors are heading towards Earth and one, the sneaky one hiding behind the first, is on a collision course with our Planet! Will anyone listen? No, of course not. Except one scientist who resigned from the military, coming out as a gay man in the process. Yes, there still isn't any place for a gay man in the service...but all is not lost, he will still have his chance to save the day. And the Earth. A nice thought. The acting was fair. The two actors playing gay were a touch awkward with each other, though very handsome. I wished fervently for more obvious intimacy between them, after all they are seriously involved, right? Well, at least an attempt is being made to have a heroic gay couple. Both actors are very mascluine, not parodies, for once. I only wish they were more comfortable with each other. So it depends what you like."
Gay...by the Way
Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 02/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Deadly Skies"
Gay.....By the Way
Amos Lassen and Cinema Pride
I am not a fan of thriller movies but there was something about "Deadly Skies" that drew me to it (and I am not talking about a nude Anthony Sabato. Strangely constructed, this vie, is a slick science fiction drama that happens to have a gay hero who also happens to have a lover. But here is where the gay content lays---two brief scenes in a bedroom and several glossed over pieces of dialog. The fact that there are gay characters in the movie is purely incidental and certainly not central nor crucial to the story. Since the movie is not the kind that I usually enjoy, it is hard to be objective about it. The acting is good enough but the dialog and storyline are not much more than adequate. In other words, there is not much good or bad to say about it. It is just a movie that I would not rush out to see but if it were to be broadcast on TV, I would watch it with no problem.
A giant asteroid is heading toward the earth with the potential of being able to destroy it unless the logistics of it can be figured out. Rae Dawn Chong can figure this out but for some reason the government does not seem to want to hire her. Chong knows that her friend, played by Sabato, can save the planet. When she goes to speak with him, she finds him and his lover not only naked but in the middle of having sex. (It is a very mild scene). Why the movie had to have a gay sex scene, I really do not know because as I said before, nothing is much said about the gay characteristic of the film. I am not discounting the eye candy--it is great but I am not sure why it is even there.
One of the controversies of the film is that it has been released under three different names and in each the content (about the gay parts) is a little different. If you cannot find this movie as "Deadly Skies", look for it as "Ultimate Limit" or "Force of Impact".
In summary it is an anti-military paranoia film with a great deal of pacifistic self-righteousness. I enjoyed it as a brief getaway from life but when it was over, it was over.
A Rather Routine Sci-Fi Thriller - with a Major Exception
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 09/18/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Who can tell why this film was made? FORCE OF IMPACT (aka DEADLY SKIES) was apparently made for TV though it seems highly unlikely that it was ever screened. Not that the story itself is a problem: giant asteroid is sailing toward the earth with the potential of destroying the planet unless someone is smart enough to out guess the logistics. In this film the smart one is Rae Dawn Chong in a role she can sleep walk through. The government is not eager for her company to employ its 'better than government issue' strategies: Rob LaBelle and Michael Moriarty have a great time being mean. But it is Rea dawn Chong who remembers a terrific mind in the form of Antonio Sabato, Jr. who can save the planet....
And that is where the difference lies - Chong encounters Sabato and his lover Michael Boisvert in flagrante in a completely nude sex scene that is as sensual as any found in the movies. Nothing much is made of the reason for Sabato to be gay and that is good: he just happens to be a gay man in a healthy relationship, and the chemistry with Boisvert is definitely there. But that is about all we get, other than an opening scene when two beautiful young au naturel women make it in a swimming pool while a mini-asteroid collides in the water.
So it is another routine space age flick, but add to the salad the eye candy offered, and it is almost worth sitting through the movie! Pretty people help keep this one afloat. Grady Harp, September 06"