Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 04/06/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"DEADLY SCAVENGERS has now surpassed TAIL STING in my personal list of the worst movies ever made. There is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to recommend in this movie. Even though there are some moments that will make you laugh out loud, they cannot in any way redeem this flop or even enter it in the hall of fame for truly good bad movies. Here are some things to consider in this horrible horror hack:
*The soundtrack is so loud in the last fifteen minutes that you cannot hear the dialogue, not that you're missing anything.
*One victim gets his guts ripped out in one scene and the next thing we know he's walking around with the giant cockroach chasing him.
*We get the same shot of the killer cockroach each time it attacks.
*The women are some of the most unattractive females that ever appeared on film; one looks bulemic.
*The men are some of the most unattractive males ever immortalized on celluloid.
*There is no one in this movie that should ever be considered an actor, no one.
*The company that allowed this to be put on DVD should be banned from ever releasing another movie -- ever.
Really, folks, the fact that my wife and I were able to sit through it is amazing, considering the hundreds of movies we've watched in our lifetime...this is truly bad, bad bad!!!"