! MR. KNOW IT ALL ;-b | TRI STATE AREA | 10/21/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Here's an obscure film that has finally made it's way to DVD. One of the better Killer Bee movies and it's wrapped in a nice little mystery to boot! The Bee effects run hot and cold, but still deliver that creepy crawly feeling. I remember this film from Saturday's afternoon horror fest when I was a wee lad! The film holds up and is as entertaining as I remembered it to be. The DVD transfer look very good, but the titles etc seemed a little fuzzy, nothing too distracting though. It would have been nice to have some extras, even a trailer! Too bad, but it makes a fun Halloween flick!"
Atmospheric Early Amicus Production Combining Horror And Mys
Simon Davis | 10/10/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm sure many people don't realise that almost 10 years before such killer insect films as "Ants" and "The Swarm", crawled onto our big screens menacing all star casts and alternately horrifing and sometimes unintentionally amusing us, there had already been a film released back in 1967 that created those same sort of chills, admittedly on a more modest scale. This little effort, "The Deadly Bees" was produced by the famed Amicus production company in England who along with their British rivals the legendary Hammer Studios ruled the horror field through the 1960's and early 1970's. With the possible exception of Hitchcock's "The Birds" Amicus were probably the first production company to bring such a story to the screen before the genre really took off in popularity in the 1970s when "wildlife on the rampage" was the flavour of the moment in cinema offerings. Rarely seen and almost impossible to track down until this new DVD release "The Deadly Bees" is often critised and even disowned by those that made it which upon viewing the film I feel is a totally unfair judgement. Certainly the first rate DVD presentation of the film (despite the disappointing lack of extras) indicates that someone had enough of a belief in the film's entertainemnt value to bring it out of the vault where for too long it's been hidden away. I had long wanted to see this film and I was pleasantly surprised by it and felt it had much to offer horror fans such as myself. Despite the obvious horror element of the swarming killer bees of the title "The Deadly Bees" for me was more of an intriguing mystery aided by some very good performances given by the talented cast. Together with great camera work, atmospheric locations and ok special effects for the time it all combines to make "The Deadly Bees" a film well worth including in your Amicus productions horror collection.
"The Deadly Bees" based on the H. F. Heard novel "A Taste of Honey" was one of Amicus productions earliest efforts and was directed by veteran horror favourite Freddie Francis. It has finally made a most welcome debut on DVD courtesy of Legend Films and is sure to please all fans of the legendary "sister" production companies of Amicus and Hammer. It tells the story of a burnt out singer Vicki Robbins (Suzanna leigh) who on doctor's orders travels to an isolated island to rest. However once there she encounters nothing but trouble first from the quarreling couple (Guy Doleman, Catherine Finn) she lodges with and then from a seemingly friendly neigbour (Frank Findlay) who is not all he first appears to be. The strangeness of the situation increases after a number of horrific deaths occur from savage swarms of bees who seem to attack on command, but who is responsible? All comes to a fiery climax with Vicki fighting for her life as the real culprit behind this swarming terror is revealed. Perhaps not a terribly original premise but I felt Amicus put all their effort into playing up the mystery and perhaps keeping some of us guessing as to who or what was behind the attacking killer Bees. I personally really liked Suzanna Leigh in the lead and felt that with the obvious limitations of her character she created something interesting here as well as being most attractive. Ms. Leigh would also work for Hammer Studios during this period and appeared in their "The Lost Continent" and "Lust for A Vampire". Frank Finlay gives without a doubt the best performance in the picture as the seemingly mousey neighbour only interested in his bees who wouldn't harm a fly, or in this case a bee! It's also pleasing to see in "The Deadly Bees" my favourite Hammer character actor Michael Ripper given a role that is strongly a part of the proceedings from start to finish.
Legend Films have done this obscure film proud with a beautiful DVD release. The film seems to have been superbly restored with vivid rich colour and very good sound especially during the bee attack scenes. Shown in its correct widescreen the only negative on this DVD is the lack of any extras. We have scene selection and that is it. It would have been good to have had Suzanna Leigh do a commentary like she did on the DVD release of "Lust For A Vampire" however I guess we can't complain as the film looks superb and is up to the standard of previous better known Amicus DVD releases such as "Asylum" and "And Now The Screaming Starts". Despite the early special effects the bee attacks still pack a real punch and are sure to still please horror fans now so used to CGI effects. Sit back and enjoy beautiful Suzanna Leigh battling savage killer bees in Legend Films most welcome release of 1967s little seen "The Deadly Bees".