From the Discovery Channel's hit series!Forty-foot waves, freezing temperatures, swinging 700-pound crab pots, a nearly 100% injury rate... but also the chance to earn enough money for a family to live on for a year with j... more »ust a few days' work. Welcome to one of the world's deadliest jobs: the Alaskan crab fisherman. Deep in the frigid waters of the Bering Sea lurk the highly lucrative, yet often elusive, king and snow crabs. Each year, approximately 250 boats converge on Dutch Harbor, Alaska, where crewmembers regularly pull 20-hour shifts in freezing weather, exposed to the harshest elements on a slick deck. Now the hair-raising reality adventure comes to DVD in this thrilling 5-DVD set containing all 10 episodes: "Greenhorns," "Long Sleepless Nights," "Lady Luck," "Beat the Clock," "Dead of Winter," "Man Overboard," "High Hopes," "Good Fishing," "The Clock's Ticking," and "The Final Run."« less
"As someone who worked in the Alaska commerical fisheries for years, and on crab boats in the Bering Sea out of Dutch Harbor during the early 90s, I really appreciate this series which has given this worthy, but dangerous, occupation the notoriety it deserves. This was the hardest, most dangerous work I ever did, inclusive of my period of military service, in which several of my friends lost their lives; it is an occupation that all who have participated in can have great pride in. One point needs to be made, however, which is that conditions are a little safer than they were before with the advent of the quota system which lets boats choose their weather some (although I think the TV producers may be goading fishers to push the limit more than they otherwise would). Previously it was a free for fall that started on January 15th. A good book to read in conjunction with viewing this series is Spike Walker's "Working on the Edge.""
Watch this before going to work in Alaska
Brad G. Choate | Olomouc Czech Republic | 01/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a must see DVD set, especially for thos that are considering going to work in Alaska on a commercial fishing vessel. I worked on such vessels for almost 3 years in Alaska, and yes it is truly like how this movie shows it is. Glad to see that TDC was able to get this live and on DVD. Not for the fainthearted."
Frank | Patchogue, NY | 01/28/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The show that Discovery Channel has produced is one of the most "can't miss" shows ever, in my opinion. The drama that has unfolded shows that all reality tv is not rich kids in California, or people "surviving" on some island.
Discovery has mad a winner, no doubt. I'm already waiting for the 3rd season to start. It seems it's April debut cannot get here soon enough!"
Just like going through real fishing experience
Bohemian | New york, USA | 03/28/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Deadliest Catch - Season 1 (5 Disc Set)
The dvd set has 7 hours running time. The content is excellent. The quality of picture (4:3) is average. There are no extras. I bought it for $16 after price drop. Hopefully, I will see new seasons for similar prices. If you are newbee like me about crab fishing world in Alaska, this is an excellent ride to get as close as real experience. The dvd set is oversized, I wish they make it 3-dvd slim pack that could save storage space for us."
Deadliest Catch is REAL reality TV
H. R. Pierce | Mississippi | 08/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I laugh at all these shows called reality tv, especially the ones like fear factor or even Man vs. Wild. Safety and backup plans abound with them, and they are subject to extreme editing. Most of the people on those shows seem pretty fake anyways, extremely plastic style drones with no substance that create petty drama for the camera.
With this series, it is all in your face and very, very real. People die out here, and people get injured often. Simply a great film in a documentary style that shows Crab Fishing on Alaska's high seas in all its guts and glory. Get real, and then get this because the plastic drones you root for on fear factor are nothing more than pre-fab drama queens that would not even begin to know what it takes to work on one of these boats. A long tradition of fishing the high seas is seen here in the present day, with a good coverage of all the captains, their boats and crews and their will to survive while still finding some fun in their adventurous jobs."