Synopsis: A crew of college friends escapes to a secluded, palatial estate high up in the hills of Colorado. What was supposed to be a weekend of relaxation is scourged by a game of prank phone calls gone awry. This serial... more » bloodbath will have you frantically dialing for help; only this time, nobody s listening on the other end.
A Nite Tales Release! Associated with the best-selling BET TV Movie Nite Tales and the popular TBS TV show hosted by FLAVA FLAV!
Popular Genre: Urban Horror
In the vein of horror films such as Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Hostel
In the tradition of the popular urban horror series Tales from the Crypt« less
"Originally titled, SE7ENTY-5IVE, this film is part urban legend - part classic, slasher film. The kill scenes are intense and full of great FX work. The film actually has "suspense" if you can believe it. Yes, suspense is finally used in good fashion as well as giving gorehounds what they want, too. Now, as I have yet to see this re-titled form of the film (it may have a new edit) the only downside the film had when I watched it over a year ago was that I had to think harder about the ending twist than perhaps I should have. Don't get me wrong...I love a psychological film that makes me think, but in this case it was just a lack of clear understanding in the first viewing. I had to watch it a second time right away to catch what I missed because it was so quick. Aside from that one detail, nothing can be said negatively about this film, and it is one I've been patiently waiting to add to my collection...and I am very, very picky. I'm a filmmaker, author and FX tech, being such a film study and one to focus on story structure, characters you care about, above average dialogue, editing, etc...I am probably pickier than I admit to.
One last thing - for whatever reasons per distribution the filmmakers have finally released this under the Flavor-Flav's Nite Tales moniker. I think some people will be second-guessing taking a chance on it because that sounds a little out of leftfield. Well, don't worry about it one bit. That guy had nothing to do with the film getting made. In fact, the film was wholly produced by known sports celebrities (seriously), and after researching this information, it was cool to find out they are such avid horror film fans. They wanted a film to be proud of and made sure the script was worthy in the first place, of course. I have to agree. It is more a solid effort into worthy slasher film status than the poor remakes of F13, My Bloody Valentine or either Halloween film.
My name is Duane P. Craig - I don't promote crap - I don't like to waste my time or my money - this film is worthy."
Pleasant Surprise
Dayna Newman | Tampa | 02/19/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"When I ordered this movie from Fios on Demand I had nothing to go on but blind faith.
It payed off.This was quite a suspenseful gory little Slasher with an interesting storyline.
Brian Hooks was the lead in the cast of good young twenty something actors.Rutger Hauer also stars as a detective on a mission.
I had seen Brian in several urban comedy's and liked them but was a bit skeptical when he was part of production on this slasher film.
What happens is years earlier some kids play a game called 75 where you have to keep a stranger on the phone for 75 seconds without them laughing or hanging up.You have to pitch something scary or stupid, anything to keep them on the line.Well a psycho intercepts one of the calls and comes to the home and murders all the adults during a party and one of the kids sees his parents butchered in front of it's 10 years later and the kids are grown and having a party in a mansion so they decide to play 75 of the 20 somethings forget to dial *67 before one of the calls and mayhem and murder begin in the shape of an axe welding maniac wearing a parka.It was somewhat your usual slasher fare but there were elements of it that made it seem fresh.I went ahead and bought it because It's one I will watch more than once.It's low budget but doesn't give you that cheap look,the effects are well done and the lighting is very effective.I say give it a go."
Utter Dreck
Michael A. Mccullough | Delaware | 02/13/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The killer gatecrashes the house party, one of those mind-numbingly boring movie set-ups were no one really looks like they are having any fun at all, he is hardly what you would call stealth like. Smashing through glass, victims running screaming, axe thumping into walls, doors, furniture, you know the sort of thing, this guy seems to WANT people to know where he is. Either that or he has cottoned on to how stupid these kids really are. And boy are they stupid!
Considering all the commotion our anorak-wearing killer (anorak? Urban Legends anybody?) is making, the most you get out of those yet to meet their maker is an irritatingly dumb, `Did you hear that?' What you mean all that screaming and glass shattering, nah, didn't hear a thing !
Other plot details that irk are as follows...would you REALLY play a game of prank telephone calling if the last time you did you saw everyone's parents chopped up? Um, no! And just what are the chances of calling that very same number by chance again and failing to dial *67 prior to making the call AGAIN so the killer now knows your number? This all makes even less sense when the big reveal to who the killer(s) is come the movie's climax.
The plot absurdities pile up right to and including the shock twist, which isn't, and an open ending which just makes for a huge groan. Rutger Hauer (as Detective John Criton), whom the movie is sold on, is only in it for like five teeny weenie minutes and looks like he just got off a three week bender . Dead Tone is definitely one phone call you'll wanna miss."
Good slasher movie.
bigmanpac | 03/28/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"good slasher about a prank call gone wrong. the story starts with kids playing a game of prank calls and they call the wrong person who end up being a crazed psychopath and murders everyone except the kids, years later it starts all over again with the killings, could it be the same person bent on revenge or is it someone else bent on revenge. Its not a bad movie, good acting, good kills, and has a pretty good twist ending. Check it out."
Who the hell actually liked this?
Mr. Christopher L. Cox | austin, Texas United States | 03/26/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Let's be clear about those rave reviews for this: either they're plant reviews or are by ten year olds. This is garbage, pure and simple. I love horror but "Dead Tone" is insulting. Someone took "Scream" and decided it would be much better if they took out all the humor and played it straight. There's not much actual gore in any sort of interesting or convincing way so you don't have that. There's no nudity so you don't have that. Not a single scene played for laughs but not a real scare either. What is it those people liked about it? Oh, yeah, they liked that someone paid them to give this a good review. Hell, the DVD isn't even this day and age. A new dvd. WTF? And Flavor Flav's introduction? He shows up and says, "I'm the Timekeeper" and walks off. Literally, that's it. There's nothing about this that makes it worth any one's time."