Nice Twist on "Dracula" Tale
Robert E. Rodden II | Peoria, IL. United States | 03/25/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"George Zucco has become almost as entertaining for me to watch as Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, and Bela Lugosi. He was a British Born, stage-trained actor who could ham it up if need be, like Price, or tone it down to play subdued, clever, sympathetic characters. He played quite a few mad scientists and super villians, but also complex, almost Bogart-style anti-heroes, in such films as "Fog Island" and "The Black Raven". In this low budget vampire tale he gets a chance to play the range from darkest evil to saintly savior.
In duel roles, Zucco plays both the kindly, almost saintly Doctor Clayton, who's brother (also Zucco), has died and we find at the very start of the film that he was a dispicable human being who played with witchcraft and satanic rituals. After dying, he is resurrected as a vampire, due to his allegience to satan, and begins taking revenge on his hated, saintly brother by trying to turn Dr. Clayton's niece into a vampire. The small town the doctor is revered in begins to suspect the good doctor of recent murders, and even his associate, a young doctor who is engaged to Dr. Clayton's victimized niece believes he is insane and covering up murders by claiming his brother is back from the grave. Handling the film elements deftly, Director Sam Newfield gives Zucco the chance to play a very Van Helsing-like character, and you are obviously meant to connect with the original Univeral "Dracula" film. Even Dwight Frye shows up here as the mad survent who protects the Dracula-esqe brother, calling him "Master", as he did Lugosi in the original "Dracula".
The movie is fairly well paced and atmospheric. Zucco is believable in both roles and the rest of the cast does a very good job of supporting him. The movie has a certain Universal Studios feel to it, and a bit of campiness that only adds to the enjoyment. This dvd by DIGIVIEW is a decent transfer. I don't know how it compares to the release by Alpa Video, but most of the movie is fairly sharp and has decent contrast. There are only a few night time scenes that suffer, but even these are better than some of the other low-budget dvds I've seen of George Zucco films, such as "Fog Island". For the low-low price, I would not hesitate to get this little gem of a movie. If you like vampire movies from the golden era of Hollywood, this one stands up nicely."