While filming their horror epic a renegade band of young filmmakers open the portal to a dead world that releases dozens of zombies who proceed to trap them in an abandoned hospital. Studio: E1 Entertainment Release Date... more »: 08/27/2002 Starring: Eric Clawson Brett Beardslee Rating: R Director: Dave Parker« less
"Well, they did it. Full Moon actually released a good movie besides The Puppet Master series and a couple of others. This one is a masterful horror video that focuses on about ten teens that go to an abandoned hospital to shoot their first horror movie. But when the kids find a real body, they want to use it in the movie. The figure, "Whoa, a real corpse! How cool!" How wrong they are. Excellent in the scare factor and gore. This is my second favorite zombie movie next to Return of the Living Dead. Any horror fan will eat up the nods to other horror movies ( Like the bumper sticker that says "FULCI LIVES!" ) Buy this immediately, any true horror fan will not be disappointed."
Was not that bad
Michael | TN | 10/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Some people are being way too harsh on this movie. I'm giving it 5 starts becuase it deserves a better rating that it has. Sure the acting wasn't oscar material but so what. It's still alot better than children of the living dead and the god awful house of the dead. And to the comment one moron made about the main badguy being a rob zombie rip off: 1) they had originally wanted rob to play the part but he was busy and 2) i guess everybody else with long dark hair and a beard is a rob zombie rip off too. Get over yourself. The special effects were decent and the nods to horror fans were cool as well. The premise, people filming a zombie moving being attacked by the real thing, hasn't been done before either to my knowledge. Give this movie a chance and don't listen to these people giving it 1 star because it at least deserves a 2 1/2- 4."
Pleasant Surprise
Tom E | Methuen, Ma United States | 04/26/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a fan of Italian Horror/Gore ,then this is a tongue in cheek hommage to what is best about it .The storyline is easily followed with lots of Horror injokes about Fulci ,Argento and many others . The f/x are rather well done for a low budget movie ,in the opening scene what appears to be a bad make-up job on the zombie's neck is actually a bad make up job for the movie that is being shot . And if that isn't enough then all the extras that they packed into the DVD should . Concept art,music video ,outtakes and much more .I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and would recomend it to others ."
Not Scary But a Fun Zombie Flick
vincentarlock | Lakeland, Florida United States | 09/01/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a horror movie buff you'll enjoy this, as they're are clever references to Fulci and other classic gore films. The interviews at the end of the movie pretty much say it all...they(director, writer, etc.) are horror fans and wanted to do a movie that was reminiscent of the old Italian masterpieces. The plot is better than average (at least it tries to be creative) as it goes that a group of students are trying to film a horror movie in an abandoned hospital but end of opening a portal to an alternate world of the dead though, as they soon discover, they did more than just open the doorway. As expected, the rest of the movie is the film students trying to escape a gory death. The actors themselves are amusing and give the film a corny, evil dead type feel. Had they tried to be serious... the film just wouldn't have worked. Storyline and characters have been covered and now for the all important factor: gore. The opening sequence is a mixture of gore and eroticism (little bit of undead love) that starts the flick off on the creative right foot. I'd explain it but that would take away from your experience if you ever choose to watch this movie. After that things build up for some time and then, once they open the doorway, there is some more zombie action. A good scene that comes to mind is when one of the students gets a zombie arm punched through his stomach and then his limp corpse is dragged down the hall by his intestines. Quite colorful! Overall the movie, though possessing some plot holes and the occassional bad effect, is one of the better zombie efforts to come out in recent years. Definitely worth your time if you enjoy this genre."
Andrew | 11/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Why so many glum reviews on this film?
I was lucky enough to find a copy of this movie in a bargin bin in Australia for $10 (to you rich Americans- that's about 6 of your dollars!), anyway- I had seen positive reviews on various horror sites across the internet and decided to check it out.
Now, just to clarify- I'm not usually one to like 'new' low budget horror films if ya know what I mean. They always seem to urke me and loose any kind of 'fun' or 'atmosphere' which was so present in their counterparts from the early 80's through early 90's. I'm sick of zombie movies with no gore and vampire movies being reduced to the same old S#$T about 'Daywalkers' and 'the hunter who passes the book down from generation to generation' and .....BlEH. But this movie is not one of 'those' films.
The director actually has talent. He knows how to tell a story! The film doesn't get bogged down in tired genre tidings or wallow in it's under-develped characters, it gets straight down into the zombie fun in the way that good old Lucio would have done back in the day (which isn't surprising because this film basically pays as a giant homage to the great Mr Fulci). The gore is tops, the good old 'make-up' variety instead of this cg crap.
If you would put of seeing this film because you don't like other full moon offerings, think again! I don't really like Charles Band's films in particular either, but hey, this film wasn't directed by him.
For all of you aspiring film makers out there who are occassionally willing to turn a blind eye to some of the budgetary ristrictions (yes at one point there is some terrible looking superimposed fire), you will find an enjoyable film here. If you have ever made a low budget horror film you will enjoy how true some of the scenes play out, for example, a woman goes to a store to buy some materials for a 'gore' scene and is required to buy packets upon packets of condoms, KY jelly etc. lol- been in the same situations many a time and had many a strange look preping effects on my films!
Anyway- good film. Maybe hire it first (if you can find it)."