"I agree with the person that said they need to put out dvds of some of the best stories GH came out with in the 80s. They should put out sets for each of the great mysteries and WSB stories, starting with the Ice Princess adventure, the DVX disc, the Asian Quarter, etc. When those stories aired, GH was getting phenomenal ratings. We had real heroes like Robert Scorpio, Luke & Laura, strong women like Anna Devane. I can't even recognize GH today. It has become horrible and I hope that soon they get new writers and bring it back to it's former glory, along with some of the actors/characters that made it great. But I would love to get DVDs of those stories that made me rush home as a teenager to watch everyday. I think they'd sell pretty good, as many fans are starved for nostalgia and the good old days of GH."
Unlike everyone else, I actually bought and watched this
SharonTateFan4ever! | SAN FRANCISCO, CA United States | 07/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Back in the mid-90's, ABC/Disney released three wedding videos that were about an hour each. The AMC one was hosted by Susan Lucci (Erica Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery), OLTL by Erika Slezak (Viki), and GH by Brad Maule and Jacklyn Zeman (Tony and Bobbie. This dvd is those three shows put together in one. They're all here again: Luke and Laura, Greg and Jenny, Viki and Clint, Lucy and Alan, and many more.
Very worth the price. You'll get the chills all over again. If you're a fan of ABC Daytime, you'll love this."
Dance Dance Dance | 01/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I heard that this wedding DVD was coming out but I didn't believe it until I saw it here!!!! WOWZA!! Its about time they start to release some classic soaps. All I ask is that some Classis General Hospital DVD's be realeased next. What a great idea, ITS ABOUT TIME!!! Can't wait to buy this!!!"
Dance Dance Dance | 03/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It would be great if classic soap stories would be released. The wedding DVD is great but just not enough. I want some of the back in the day General Hospital to be released. I would love to see classic Monica and Allan,the WSB, Anna, Sonny and Brenda, Robin and Stone...the list goes on. The fans would buy it like hot cakes, especially since the show has become a sad sad joke."
Andromeda | USA | 04/16/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This was a nice look at some of General Hospital, All My Children and One Life to Live's greatest weddings but I was hoping it would be the actual eposides of the weddings instead of just looks at them. With almost every other tv genre putting out complete sets or collection of epsoides I had hoped that's what this DVD would be. I was too young to watch the weddings when they orginially aired (most of them I wasn't even born yet) and hoped this would be a chance to see them."