Ask yourself this....
Biz | 11/11/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Before you take a chance on "Day of the Ax" ask yourself this:
Do you like bad dialogue?
Do you like bad acting?
Do you like bad pacing?
Do you like a bad script?
Do you like retarded villians?
Do you like wasting your time?
Do you like wasting your money?
If you answered yes to the majority of those questions than this is the movie for you..."
A great no-budget gem for your collection
Todd Proesl | St Marys Pa | 11/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Some people just don't get it when it comes to indie, no budget, b-movies. They're so used to the hollywood million dollar mumbo-jumbo, that they don't understand that b-movies are meant to entertain and to use as much as they can with as little as they have. With that being said, 4th Floor Pictures' 2005 film, Day Of The Ax,is finally released and is a homage to great slasher films in the Friday The 13th/Texas Chainsaw Massacre vein..and that definately is not a bad thing. The plot is inventive and the actors pull it off very well. The atmosphere is creepy and brooding. A great low budget film to pick up. When you're finished with this one, pick up the sequel "House Of Carnage"!"
Tom Goryssimo | Skies above, Heaven FR | 10/08/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, it has to be said that DAY OF THE AX is an honest and indeed "cool" SLASHER. It delivers as much as it can : you got stupid, stoned, horny teens,woods, a BAGMAN KILLER, his inbred sadistic folks, demonic babies, the awesome crazy sexy TINA KRAUSE and most important nudity and blood. What i'm saying Gorehound is that you got a flick to watch there.
Still be aware that it is a no budget movie ( it's released by BRAIN DAMAGE, you ignorant sonova... ). You know the song : not all of the actors are good, the FX are cheaper than cheap and so on. Now, if it keeps you from enjoying that trashy gem, it's too bad for you. It sure didn't keep me from having a great time.
I wish RYAN CAVALLINE and the folks from 4TH FLOOR PICTURES the best. They're full of passion and it shows. All of their flicks ( HOUSE OF CARNAGE, SERIAL KILLER, DEAD BODY MAN... ) are worth being bought. It's not all good though. My main complaint is that they should have better GORE FX in their productions. That's what keeps them from being great. I mean, flying pieces of meat and fake looking blood sprayed all over people's face are not enough guys. You need somebody like JOE CASTRO to bring his magic to THE 4TH FLOOR's no budget world. Ask BRAD SYKES or JEFF LEROY, they know cheap but effective GORE FX make a difference.
Overall, DAY OF THE AX fully deserves Gorehounds sleazy love. Basically if you dig stuff like CAMP BLOOD or ASYLUM OF TERROR, just buy DAY OF THE AX. You'll thank your uncle GORYSSIMO later, you dirty ...