George P. Reviewed on 1/20/2016...
Being a huge fan of the original series of Planet of the Apes films (and even the tv series) makes it difficult to review these new adaptations positively. Quite simply, with all the technical improvements, CGI, etc., the newer films do not compare to the original 1968 film or the 1970 sequel, and it all boils down to entertainment value.
The human characters in this film are non-existent. This compared to Charlton Heston? C'mon! I know this isn't the same story as any of the original films, and that Caesar (leader of the apes) is the protagonist, but there are too many human-only scenes for them to make these characters so terribly bland. On top of that, Caesar is also a very bland character! In fact the entire movie is actually boring. We get it! Some humans are good and some are bad. Some apes are good and some are bad. Really trite message. If this is the best they can do with a subject as wild as Planet of the Apes, I would actually much prefer a very well-done mindless action film. I'll hope they get my memo and go that route for the upcoming War for the Planet of the Apes.
I give it 2.5/5 stars
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