Themes for living in a world of sickness
(4 out of 5 stars)
"i've always told people, "if you don't like gwar's music, you should still see them live." everyone that follows this advise has agreed that they are the best live band to ever (dis)grace a stage. every time i've seen them, i've sloshed out of the club with a broad smile on my blood-spattered face. this is a band who delivers. for those of you too weak to go see the antarctican boys, you're in luck, because they have recorded some of thier shows, and this is definitely one of the best. it's not as good as their "real" movie, "Skulhed face," but is some of the best footage from a live show i've seen in a while. also, i'd like to point out that i think the 'antarctican mother of three' was joking. people don't live in antarctica. i just wanted to note that at least one person got her joke. anyway, go see gwar if they come (pun intended) near you, or if you chicken out, buy this video. paul death"
Gwar kicks it with style! David Campbell Ir | Philadelphia PA. | 09/23/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you only heard of Gwar on Beavis n' butt-head and don'treally think there worth giving an ear to.Take in to considerationthat they are the only band that has fake violence,blood,death,brains ,pee,giant crack pipes,and the gwar chick that fights robots,giant penguins,tecno destructo and his goons.During the song Sammy She twirls two flaming battons along with the music and spits fire balls about 10 feet high over the crowd atleast 30 times.Watching a Gwar concert is way better than anything on MTV.Its like WWF but just add gallons of blood and a mix between punk and metal.Every song has a fight seen and a story behind it.I mean it just don't get any better than this! END"
Religion doesn't like GWAR? How droll.... | Virginia, just outside of Washington DC | 06/21/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Look, "Antarctican mother of 3 young children", if you don't approve, why not just cram religion down your little kid's throats like most of conservative mainstream america does? Just don't harass GWAR fans about it, as you don't even have a clue about what they are! (Hint -- perhaps they are just having some fun giving the fans what they want? I mean, really! I don't see you boycotting Stephen King for his horror novels... Why jump on this bandwagon?) However, for everyone else out there, I suggest that you see this immediately! It's worth the money!"
This video is the best thing to happen to planet earth! | Hawaii, USA | 04/21/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Some videos make it to the box office, and some don't. Well kiddies, GWAR is the greatest thing to happen to EARTH and they don't need a stupid "two thumbs up" to get my atention. This video has the truimph, and the heartache as GWAR takes control over your mind.A must see!!!"