Currently Available DVDs (5) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (26)2007 - Alien 3 2007 - Alien Resurrection 2006 - Fun With Dick Jane / Mr Deeds 2006 - Fun With Dick Jane (2005) 2005 - Runaway Daughters 2004 - Myra Breckinridge 2003 - Alien Quadrilogy (Alien/ Aliens /Alien 3 /Alien Resurrection) 2003 - Fun with Dick and Jane 2002 - Undisputed 2002 - Girls in Prison 2001 - Let It Ride 1999 - The Parallax View 1999 - Aliens (Special Edition) 1999 - The Alien Legacy 1998 - Tales From Crypt Demon Knight (Ac3) Alien Quadrilogy