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David Barton

DVDs David Barton starred in...

Currently Available DVDs (2)

2004 - Four Centuries of American Education

2002 - The Spiritual Heritage of the United States Capitol

Currently Unavailable DVDs (3)

2009 - America's Godly Heritage

2007 - The American Heritage Series

Genres: Television, Educational, Documentary
1995 - America's Godly Heritage

DVDs David Barton directed...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

2002 - The Spiritual Heritage of the United States Capitol

Currently Unavailable DVDs (12)

2009 - The American Heritage Series Vol 8 Four Centuries of American Education Parts 12

Genres: Special Interests, Documentary
2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 6 When Religion was Culture Faith in Our Early Courts Myths of the Judiciary

Genres: Special Interests, Documentary
2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 1 Why History Matters/Unearthing America's Christian Foundations

Genres: Special Interests, Television, Educational, Documentary
2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 7 Evidence of America's Spiritual Heritage Parts 1-3

2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 10 The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values The Duty of a Free Citizen

2009 - American Heritage Series 4 Church State the Real 1st Amendment Parts 12

2009 - American Heritage Series 5 Influence of the Bible How Pastors Shaped Our Independence Parts 12

2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 9 Great Black Patriots From Bondage to the Halls of Congress The Civil Rights Movement

2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 2 The Faith of Our Founding Fathers Parts 1 2

2009 - American Heritage Series Vol 3 The Ideas that Birthed a Nation Our Biblical Constitution Is America a Christian Nation

2009 - America's Godly Heritage
1995 - America's Godly Heritage

DVDs David Barton helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

2002 - The Spiritual Heritage of the United States Capitol