"This classic cartoon, commonly known as "Stop That Pigeon" among young viewers over the years, first debuted on September 13, 1969 on CBS and subsequently aired on and off in syndication over the years. I first saw the series growing up in the 80s.
The stars of the series are Dick Dastardly and his snickering canine sidekick Muttley (who always muttered his signature "rassuh-frazza-pazza). The duo was first introduced in 1968 as part of the ensemble cast of Wacky Races (which received a similar dvd treatment from Warner Bros. Home Video last year). Along with the rest of the Vulture Squadron (fellow dimwitted pilots Zilly and Klunk), they use WWI aircraft in an attempt to follow the orders of "The General." Those orders being: STOP THAT PIGEON!
The show is somewhat reminiscent of Road Runner, with the Vulture Squadron filling the Wile E. Coyote role. The outcome is similar too, with Dastardly and co. failing spectacularly in each episode to stop the pigeon.
Dastardly's voice, and that of The General, were done by Paul Winchell, whose other roles include Winnie the Pooh's friend Tigger, Zummi Gummi and Marmaduke. The legendary Don Messick (famous for his work as the voice of Scooby-Doo), did Muttley as well as the other members of The Vulture Squadron.
The half-hour show originally consisted of two Dastardly/Muttley adventures, a brief segment in which Muttley daydreamed about adventures of his own, and a few quick, unrelated gags. All 17 episodes are included in this set.
Bonus features on the DVD include:
- The Vulture Squadron's Greatest Misses [Watch the Pigeon Thwart the Vulture Squadron]
- Commentary on Stop Which Pigeon, Ceiling Zero Zero, Fast Freight, Home Run and Start Your Engines; by Iwao Takamoto, Designer, Jerry Eisenberg, Designer, Scott Awley, Warner Bros. Animation, Scott Jeralds, Warner Bros. Animation
- Dastardly & Muttley's Spin-Off's [Retrospective on Dastardly & Muttley]
- Commentary on Balmy Swami, Camouflage Hop-Aroo, Mop Up, Left Hanging and Wild Mutt Muttley by Iwao Takamoto, Designer, Jerry Eisenberg, Designer, Scott Awley, Warner Bros. Animation, Scott Jeralds, Warner Bros. Animation"
Those Malevolent Men (And Mutt) In Their Flying Machines
J. Rose | Greenwood, MS USA | 05/02/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Dastardly and Muttley crash into your TV screen once again in this DVD set, the second offspring of Hanna-Barbera's much-loved WACKY RACES. The triptych of WACKY RACES, DASTARDLY AND MUTTLEY IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES and THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP were heralds of Hanna-Barbera's return to zany slapstick comedy in the Sixties.
This show began life as STOP THAT PIGEON, a series about a kooky flying squadron whose mission is to stop a carrier pigeon. Dastardly and Muttley were brought into this series due to their popularity from WACKY RACES, and the final product makes it easy to see why this villainous duo command such a loyal fan base. Although Dastardly and Muttley are not particularly nice people, one gets the sense that they are not really evil either: as the designated Bad Guys of WACKY RACES, D&M cheated, plotted, schemed, double-crossed and booby-trapped simply because it was their job.
Dick Dastardly (voiced by Paul Winchell, one of only two voices for every character in this series) is now the commander of a World-War-I-era flying force known as the Vulture Squadron, consisting of Muttley (growled, snickered and cursed by Don Messick), whose job in this series is mainly to rescue Dastardly from crashing to the ground (though not without the promise of a medal), maniacal inventor Klunk, who dreams up and builds various absurd-looking planes and speaks in sound effects, and craven coward Zilly, who translates for Klunk and tries repeatedly to sneak off at crucial points (such as the beginning of a flight). Their mission, ordered by an unseen General, is to catch the fearless patriotic flyer Yankee Doodle Pigeon (who, compared to his colorful enemies, seems rather boring). Meager though this premise is by today's standards of cartoons, it launched literally hundreds of deranged schemes and crazed inventions that ended in disaster. Those who decry the predictable outcomes are missing the point: the fun of this cartoon is not derived from watching the Vulture Squadron screw up, but watching HOW they do it.
The planes, designed by animator Jerry Eisenberg (who provides commentary on one episode and insights into the origins of D&MITFM on a featurette in this set), are practically Goldbergian in scope, and become more complicated, outrageous and even surrealistic as each episode progresses. If there is such a thing as a triumph of inefficiency, these creations nail it again and again.
The cartoons are relatively good transfers, with each episode consisting of two D&M cartoons, "Wing Dings" or various vaudeville-type gags featuring the characters, and "Magnificent Muttley," showcasing Dastardly's disloyal companion in a sort of Walter-Mitty role, imagining himself as a hero getting the best of his villainous partner in various situations, places, and times. Two featurettes are also included, showcasing "the Vulture Squadron's Greatest Misses" and the origins of the series (which, incidentally, is also on the WACKY RACES DVD set, along with the Penelope Pitstop featurette). Each episode seems to be as aired, though the music in "Wing Dings" occasionally seems mixed louder than the dialogue.
This is a nice set, and a good companion piece to the WR and PENELOPE PITSTOP sets if you have them. Nab it, tab it, grab it and ram it into the DVD player for a wild cartoon flight... especially since it's much easier to catch than Yankee Doodle Pigeon."
The Critic | Windsor | 12/16/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off! Strap yourself in and fly along with Dick Dastardly and the vulture squadron in this classic Hanna Barbera spin-off. Join Dick Dastardly and his hilarious canine sidekick Muttley as they try to stop Yankee Doodle Pigeon from delivering his message. This wonderful 3 single sided disc set contains all 17 episodes from the show plus bonus features as well as a replica collectible animation cell suitable for framing.
The video transfer quality is really good and better than I expected, considering the show was made in 1969.The sound is in Dolby Digital 2.0 and I've noticed it's louder in some segments than others, but it's not a big deal. All the characters are voiced by two actors Paul Winchell and Don Messick and once again they're great. The disc packaging and disc artwork are comparable to the other Hanna Barbera sets released and in my opinion the set is well done. Overall the quality is very good and I'm happy to add this Hanna Barbera classic to my expanding animation collection. Join Dick Dastardly, Muttley and Klunk as they try to stop Yankee Doodle Pigeon once and for all.
Your mission should you buy this set is to, Stop That Pigeon!
DVD Features Included:
The Vulture Squadron's Greatest Misses
Dastardly & Muttley's Spin-offs
Commentaries on two episodes with animation veterans Scott Awley and Scott Jeralds
DVD Episodes:
Fur Out Furlough/Sappy Birthday
Follow That Feather/Operation Anvil
Sky Hi-IQ/A Plain Shortage of Planes
Barnstormers/Shape Up or Ship Out
Stop That Pigeon/Zilly's a Dilly
The Cuckoo Patrol/Pest Pilots
The Swiss Yelps/Eagle Beagle
Fly by Knights/There's No Fool Like a Re-Fuel
Movies Are Badder Than Ever/Home Sweet Homing Pigeon
Lens a Hand/Vacation Trip Trap
Stop Which Pigeon?/Ceiling Zero Zero
Who's Who/Operation Birdbrain
Medal Muddle/Go South Young Pigeon
Too Many Kooks/Ice See You
Balmy Swami/Camouflage Hop-Aroo
Have Plane Will Travel/Windy Windmill
Plane Talk/Happy Bird Day
Awesome classic
Ronny E. Smith | Pooler, GA | 03/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just watched the set, and still find myself enjoying the show as I did when I was a kid. Muttley is so freaking funny, and that laugh... I am still puzzled why the show didn't last long."
Slightly Better Than Wacky Races, But Shorter Cartoons
The Critic | 08/22/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not saying that I don't like this. I mean, it's a great show. I love the comedy, and the way it was put together. But somehow, I have a feeling that the cartoons are getting a little bit shorter than Wacky Races.
Wacky Races had 12 minute cartoons, this had 9 minute cartoons. There were two D&M (Dastardly & Muttley) cartoons, sandwhiced between the two were 2 or 3 25-second Wing Dings, and a 21/2 minute Magnificent Muttley short.
If you liked Wacky Races & the comedy behind the gags of Dick Dastardly & Muttley, you will enjoy this series with Dastardly & Muttley alone.