Very Very........
Captain Insanity | NY | 07/29/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Very, very violent.
Violence for the sake of violence.
Very, very bloody.
They really have a good time with the obviously fake blood squirting everywhere like mini-geysers.
Very, very Low-Budget.
You can actually make a better movie with 3 friends and 20 bux.
Very, very not-so-special effects.
Water pressure, paper machie, & red-dye.
Very, very riduculous plot.
1 gang of unkillabe goons, vs. 1 gang involved in zombie experiments.
Everything about this movie is very.
And I mean very.
Ver, very
More is less......alot less.
xxxGRINDHOUSExxx | UK | 12/23/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am inclined to agree with Mr Biro's previous comments on this title. I mean come on guys, what they hell did you expect from a film made with pocket money, shot on a digital camcorder, made by gore fans in Germany?
I hate the way people put down movies like this. At least the filmmakers had the balls to go out and make it, rather than sit around bitching about how crap no-budget movies are.
I expected very little from Das Komabrutale Duell and ended up loving every second of its outageous insanity. Two thumbs up to Mr Biro's Unearthed Films for making this look as good as it ever will. Sure its a camcorder flick but it looks excellent on DVD considering its humble origins. Keep up the good work about seeing those Violent Sh** movies or unearthing something like David Blyth's gory Death Warmed Up (uncut version only of course).
If you're a mainstream horror fan chances are you'll hate Komabrutale Duell. If you're an aspiring no-budget filmmaker like me then check this out for its very inspiring and shows what you can achieve with NOTHING but a little imagination and buckets of food dye."
From Germany, so it has to be good
Sir Jub-Jub | Sir Jub-Jub's Lair, Alaska | 08/06/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This film will appeal to a select group, namely, those of us who grew up with a video camera and filmed our own horror movies. Das Komabrutale Duell is nothing more than that; a bunch of "kids" making a gore movie in their backyard. There is no plot to speak of, no performances worth mentioning and the gore is juvenile. If you are looking for a "good" movie, this is not it. If, however, you are looking for something that is filled with outrageous scenes of ridiculous bloodletting, over the top gore set pieces, and no moral point, than this is for you. The DVD transfer is poor, I assume from an old vhs tape, there are some production extras and outtakes that are amusing to watch. If you are in the right mood, this film is worth seeing."
Gore hounds delight
Stephen S. Biro | 06/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know where that guy who didn't even bother to watch the film do such an extensive review on an out of control gore film. Who needs a story when you got non stop gunshot wounds, impaling, decapitations, eviscerations and even fetal stomping! This film is just plain old fun.
German underground splatter films is just that, German Underground Splatter. Crack open a lot of beers and sit down with your friends for the non stop barrage of grue and gore flying all over the screen. Some films are just fun and this is fun, if your anal retentive and a bore, don't bother, if you don't enjoy underground cinema, don't bother but if you do and you watch gore cause you love it, then get this movie."