In 1831 a young amateur scientist, Charles Darwin, boarded the HMS Beagle on an epic five-year voyage of discovery that would shake the world. In this expansive documentary the HMS Beagle once again sets sail as it ret... more »races Charles Darwin's voyage in lavish detail, examining his findings and remarkable conclusions and their implications in the light of modern knowledge. Filmed in South America, United Kingdom, North America, Australia and Europe, 'Darwin: The Voyage That Shook The World' features dramatic period recreations and stunning nature cinematography, all interwoven with scholars, scientists and Darwin experts who share differing perspectives on the man and the controversy he stirred. Darwin Double Anniversary 2009 marked the 200th year since Darwin s birth and the 150th year since the publication of his book The Origin of Species.« less
A. Kannankeril | Redmond, WA United States | 05/09/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I watched this movie in an attempt to gain a deeper insight into Darwin's thought processes as he made the most momentous journey of his life.
As it progressed through various amateurish reenactments, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief - the presentation was progressively building a case for discourse on the existence of intelligent design based on supposed flaws in Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Their evidence comprised by a set of unverified statements and a set of massively edited panel of experts who words seemed spliced to suggest that the very foundation of evolution was at question. What is conspicuous in the presentation is remarkable absence of references to any published books or peer-reviewed journals supporting their claims.
I eagerly awaited the end of the movie and found what I expected, this piece of fiction masquerading as a documentary was produced by "Creation Ministries International". Google them out and come to your own conclusion on their standing as impartial evaluators of the truth.
The one good thing that I can say about the "movie" is that if you are a deeply religious believer and disturbed by arguments calling into question what your faith has ingrained into you, this DVD will help soothe the conflict in your mind. To hell with science, you want to hear the argument from your side of the aisle, people who believe as you do. Show this DVD to everyone you know who suffers from the same problem, that soothing is the one positive I can envision coming of this endeavour.
Mr Tepid | 02/14/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This video was fascinating, well made, but disturbing; I give it one star because I abhor propaganda. After watching this, I found it was a product of the "Creation Ministries". This documentary, among other distortions, cast aspersions on things like geologic time, which there is ample and overwhelming evidence. Just because there are a few events like an ice-age era breech of an ice dam that can carve out a canyon in a number of hours, or that earthquakes can push up mountains by a few centimeters does this question the overall slow pace of geologic change (continents drift by centimeters per year, but continents are separated by thousands of kilometers). If you look at their website, they try to claim that the formation of coal could happen within the time-frame of genesis. The makers of this video apparently believe in a literal interpretation of the bible and genesis. It seems to me that many of the interviewed scientist were quoted out of context.
Some scientists, like Matti Leisola, make some rather bold claims that are unsubstantiated in this documentary, and are left unexplained and undefended. Mutated organisms don't just die in the lab as Leisola suggests (though I may be missing his scope/context). If you spray a bunch of mosquitoes with DDT, some of them will live. If you breed successive generations from the resistant ones, the mosquitoes won't notice the DDT. If you DNA sequence them, you will see genetic differences, mutations; adaptations that help them survive their environment. The rate of genetic mutation is something that can be measured and quantified in the lab.
This documentary has many valid points, but they're too colored by their biblical agenda."
A. Scott | 05/08/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"While this movie has some nice cinematography, it contains many egregious errors.
It presents none of the tremendous evidence for evolution in genetics (such as the broken feet genes wales have, the broken teeth genes chickens have or the broken tail genes people have) or is predictability power (it accurately predicts the order of the fossil record, which Neil Shubin used to find where Tiktaalik would be buried), straw mans the hell out of evolution, does not interview Christians that believe in evolution (Francis Collins and Francisco Ayala), blatantly distorted the interviews with scientists via editing, and contains many personal attacks against Charles Darwin (such as all of the time spent showing how he made stuff up as a child).
It is just a horrible piece of propaganda."
A Sneaky Creationist Video which rewrites history!
I started watching this hoping to learn something new aobut Darwin but by the time I was half way through it I was sensing that something wasn't right with it. The evolutionary facts that I know well were suddenly being 'suspended' and 'opened for reinterpretation'. The word 'creationism' was in my mind by the time it was 3/4 through. I can't believe I have just been 'conned' into giving these nutters my hard-earned cash.
This movie is a flat out lie
L. Mendoza | Richmond, Va | 08/04/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie as a poor attempt to discredit evolutionary theory and replacing it with creationism. It lacks in facts, truth and evidence. It is garbage and they purposefuly mislead the people they were interviewing.
as Jonathan Lowe reported in a review of this movie: "Just as the producers of Ben Stein's film Expelled deceived interview subjects by not disclosing the true nature of the project, Fathom Media failed to inform three professional historians of science that this film about the subject of their professional study was actually an anti-evolution creationist tract."