Annamaria Simon | Costa Mesa, Ca United States | 07/11/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I wont take too much time here, just wanted to state that Darkman 3 is awesome. I have all 3 on DVD, added these to my collection of DVD movie sets. Darkman ranks up there with the best, like Indiana Jones, Aliens, Star Wars, Die hard, you get the point. There isnt too many good horror, thriller, sets out there. Many thanks to the whole crew, and set for giving us the Darkman trillogy. By the way if your wondering how I came across this one on DVD. I purchased it through the internet, it is however region 4, as you know most US DVD players are region 1. If you own a Sony Playstation 2, you have the best DVD player since it is an all region player. Just go to set up then choose witch region setting you want ( 1-9 ). Hope this helps"
Shows Darkman's gentle side
Annamaria Simon | 03/03/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I liked the movie because it showed that Darkman was still able to care for others even after being alone for so long. Westlake no longer believed he had the ability to love, but when he saw that Rooker's wife and child were being neglected by this madman, he came through for them. I also like Arnold Vosloo because he has a cool sounding voice with a slight Scotts accent."
Annamaria Simon | 11/29/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hi! I loved this dvd! The effects are good, and I think its scary! But i am 10. The disfigurement is great and is really scary. I don't think it was as good as the 1st one, but it was a lot better than the 2nd one. I think Liam Neeson was best in the part, Larry Drake was BAD. And Jeff Fahey was good. Nice voice.
"Darkman" Has Potential as TV Show...
rhmoviemogal | Florida | 01/08/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Lets stop making lame sequels boys and girls. I mean this isn't a real bad sequel, but they are getting lamer. Why not slow it down, and turn it into a TV series. It would be exciting and different from anything else on the boob tube. Jeff Fahey is always welcome in any movie, but doesn't have the menacing premise that Larry Drake had. Still, loaded with lottsa action and suspense. Good special effects enhance the story, and lets face it, you need this one to complete the set."
Not better then the original, but still good
Frank Ponce | Norwalk, CA | 02/15/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a big fan of the Darkman character. The original was outstanding, with the great Liam Neeson as Darkman. DARKMAN 3 is shouldn't be compared to it, but it still has alot of action and a pretty good storyline. Arnold Vosloo, who took the helm of Darkman in the second film(I skipped that one), is no Liam Neeson, but is absolutely enjoyable as Darkman. I'm happy to know that the filmmakers did a good job by keeping the character the same. His emotions, frustration, and alienation are well done here. Jeff Fahey is gives an over-the-top performance as the bad guy Peter Rooker, whose evil plan is to gain powerful strength just like Darkman's. Fahey is sort of believable as a bad guy, but he overacts himself, even with a sadistic character like Rooker! But Vosloo is the savior here, who potrays a more humane Darkman in this entry. He does a good job at playing different emotions with the character.I'm not that surprised that the film was a direct-to-video, but was a good film nonetheless. I love the Darkman character, and I'm dissapointed there isn't very much of a fan following. I just wish another Darkman film was made, or a TV series, which is a even better idea, because the Darkman films are fantastic."