Finally an intelligent horror film
D. WOOLSEY | NY | 03/03/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The old saying "You can't judge a book (or in this case a DVD) by its cover" could not be truer here. In the case of "Dark Chamber", written, directed and acted by Dave Campfield, this movie is much more than your typical slasher flick. The screenplay is well written with substantial character development, a fact that may be lost only upon one's first impression of the graphic on the DVD box.
Dark Chamber, Dave Campfield's first released film, offers many positives that are often absent in first-time horror productions. This piece is not the usual manipulative exploitation of blood and gore. The viewer senses a level of sophistication in spite of budgetary limitations. Campfield manages to get very solid performances throughout the movie with a relatively unknown cast. The excellent musical score works well to support the storyline of the movie, which builds and sustains suspense, reminiscent of the Hitchcockian style of intrigue.
In addition, there are several very creative shots throughout the film, demonstrating a strong awareness by the director of the importance of thinking outside the box and adding subtle nuances that catch the eye and keep the viewer interested.
For those into special features, "Dark Chamber" provides a complete package. The two commentaries offer insight into the creative process of making the movie, background on the true events that inspired the screenplay, as well as trivia about shoot locations and the actors themselves. There are several featurettes and interviews that are very interesting, providing hours of entertainment in one package.