Not as great or believable as it could have been
Jay & Alishaundra | San Diego/Kauai | 05/03/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I wanted to like this movie, I like Erick Avari and I like Kal Penn's more serious works, and they both did a really good job in this film. The music and cinematography were beautiful; the story for the most part was well written and began believable. My biggest complaints though were enough to disturb me to the point of not really liking this film.
1. I found it very disgusting that the father was constantly imaging his son's girlfriend in place of his wife in his dreams to the point where he was tenderly kissing her. I found this greatly detracted from the quality of the film, and made me care very little for the character.
2. What type of a woman (whom is in a relationship and living with her boyfriend) falls in love with her deceased best friend's husband and sleeps with him on said best friends birthday? Also, not much can be said for the husband, whom supposedly loves his wife so much, and yet he disgraces her memory with another woman whom he isn't even in a relationship with.
3. I found the whole continued reminder that the son was sleeping around with his girlfriend needless and unnecessary. They could have easily omitted this, and in doing such made the son more likeable and respectable.
***End of Spoilers***
I found myself disliking and distrusting the characters, and questioning their true motivations and intentions. I am not generally cynical, but when a film goes the extra length to show you how much certain characters care for one another and then their actions strongly contradict their original behavior it makes me dismiss most of the film on a whole. I ended up feeling that the storyline was a bit contrived and insensitive.