Let Lisa Nunziella and friends take your cardiovascular workout to the next level. Workout with non-stop dance moves to a funky Hip-Hop style that are simple to learn and easily broken down so that anyone can pick them up.... more » We will keep you challenged and coming back for more. Have a blast while burning away calories losing weight, elongating muscles and strengthening your core. Hip Hop Cardio Dance Core is a total body workout that is great fun and goes by in a flash. Lisa Nunziella is a Dance and Fitness professional, winning the World Dance Title, two time National Champion and also the Star Search "Grand Dam" having won 13 consecutive shows undefeated. Join Lisa and her dancers and learn an exciting dance routine while you« less
Danielle K. (kaniele85) from WALDPORT, OR Reviewed on 1/18/2013...
I hate to be harsh because I like the dance moves themselves, but wow, what an ill-conceived DVD. There is no warm up at the beginning, it's about 7 minutes in. The assumption of the instructor seems to be that everyone is well versed in dance moves and needs very little direction. The instructor seems more interested in making herself look good than in instructing. Seemed like all the logical stuff (like where the warm up goes, where the cool down goes, and where the skill levels of people using this DVD might be)was thought of as they were shooting the video.
Movie Reviews
Actually Pretty Good Workout
Heather K. Thomas | CA USA | 07/08/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The other people who rated this video complain that there was no break down of the dance steps. On my video there is a break down segment listed on the main menu list. Sure, it might have helped to have put this segment in front of the actual work out, but whatever. I must note that it might be helpful to simply watch the work out before attempting. It took me about a week to get the steps down. I still have a ridiculous look of freakish concentration on my face as I work through it, but I am confident that soon I will be more graceful and maybe capable of adding some of my own style and flare...or something. Get the video if you're not freaked about a challenge. If you like dance you'll enjoy it. Happy workouts to all!"
It does include a breakdown!
Dragon Sadhana | CT, USA | 12/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There is a breakdown for the steps following the routine. I am a beginner to hip-hop, and though I thought the moves looked crazy, they're awesome! I began practicing them and now I'm getting pretty okay at them - you just have to stick with it! If you have two left feet, you may want to start with another video that is a little more basic...I don't know of any. However, if you have patience and perseverance with your dancing, I would highly recommend this DVD."
Helped me to get back in shape
Josephine A. Castro | 10/27/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I love this video that I dance to it 3 times a week. I had a baby a year ago and it was so difficult to get back in shape but this video coupled with another pilates video did the trick. I love the fact that this video gives you the kind of cardio workout that is lengthening and not bulking. I tried other cardio videos such as taibo and kickboxing and I developed massive thighs. This video spends enough time on stretching that elongates your muscles. Also, if you concentrate on your core while doing the dance, you are guaranteed to lose a lot flab in the belly area without the painful and boring crunches. Sure, it was a bit difficult at first to follow the steps but after three sessions, the moves got a lot easier and more fun. One thing I must say this video is not- it is not boring. The steps are challenging enough that make you keep coming back to do the workout. The only thing I wish is different is the music half way through the session- didn't care for the beat. Other than this, I highly recommend it to folks who like to dance but have not ventured into hip hop. Once you get the steps, you'll take pride in knowing you can dance hip hop."
Thumbs up
Jen | Chicago, Israel | 02/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I liked it. Really. If you are a pretty good dancer (in pretty good shape) I think it is a great DVD for you. Yeah, she runs through it, but if she didn't... once you get to where you know what the moves are... you'll be bored out of your mind during a long repeat each time.
So take the time to watch the "breakdown" and challenge yourself. And if you mess up, just shake a tailfeather until you can hop back in to the routine.
The music could be WAY better. Yikes. Talk to a DJ... get some better beats on there.
I wish it was longer too. As soon as I start breaking it down, it's over. But, I'll tell you what, I am huffing and puffing and I run 4 miles twice a week.
In closing, I say... buy it. Life is short. Dance."
Fun, intense hip hop workout
Klyde | Yakima, WA USA | 09/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this dvd. I agree with the other reviewers; she does bust out with complicated moves right away, even in the warmup. It is nice for the advanced dancer because it doesn't get boring or move too slow. I could pick up the warmup moves without trouble, but the workout was another story. I didn't have a problem finding the explanation of the workout moves (from Scene Select), but she goes over pretty complicated moves twice and moves on to the next one, so I gave up and decided to do the warmup for a while and learn the workout moves slowly. Also some moves need more explanation, you can hurt your back with some of the torso moves if done incorrectly. What I like about this dvd is that the warmup and cooldown are the same and the moves are really fun, not hard to learn, keep you moving, get your heart rate up, and seem to be authentic hip-hop. The camera stays on Lisa and doesn't jump around. The other dancers look like real people who have been practicing - they are good but you can relate to them. Lisa throws out helpful reminders ("strong abs", "long neck") but doesn't talk too much. The stretching moves are good and not boring. And the workout itself is great, lots of interesting moves, but only 8 counts of 8; it just takes a while to get them all down and can be frustrating at first."