2B1,Ask1 - Not a review of the product, but the target marke
R. M. Lozano | Lockhart, Texas - Home of the Best BBQ in Texas! | 12/04/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Perhaps this isn't altogether appropriate, as I haven't seen this particular film, but having seen and read many of the so-called Masonic exposes and realized how goofy most of them are compared to realty (I'm a Master Mason, Raised to the 3rd Degree in Lockhart Texas, Lodge 690, A.F.&A.M), I thought I should write a little something here.
For all of you who are so curious about the Masons as to spend time watching and reading everything you can find about us, perhaps you might want to visit your local (or nearest) lodge and see what you can learn by speaking with actual Masons, many of whom you likely already live, work, worship, etc. with on a daily basis without even knowing it. For those of you who might think we're a satanic or evil group, we have a number of ministers among our number (for instance, I am an Anglican priest), and our congregations would certainly argue against you on that point!
In fact, if you decide you do want to learn more about us, and take the time to go through our degrees (there are as few as 3 and as many as 33, depending on how far you want to go), you will even be repeatedly assured in the explicit wording of our rituals that your Masonic obligation will in no way interfere with your duty to God, your country, or yourself - how's that for assurance?! So really, folks; if you want to know what we're all about and what we really do behind those closed doors, don't read a book or watch a movie - come have dinner with us (free!), get to know us, and you might actually learn a little something - about the Masons, about what we all commonly believe, and about yourself. Our goal really isn't world domination - we're just looking to make good men into better men, through Freemasonry. As in my subject line - to be one, ask one!
With all good fraternal wishes,
Rev. Fr. Ryan M. Lozano, MA - Formerly of Lockhart Lodge 690, A.F.&A.M."
The secrets behind the secrets
Compusurge | New York City | 02/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It won't matter much if you're a Dan Brown thriller fan or not... Secrets of Angels, Demons and Masons explores two secret societies that exist(ed) with or without the novels. I personally found the second part of this video, the part focusing on the Masons, extremely interesting, one that ought to be watched by everyone. Imagine this... WHY is the Mason all-knowing eye on our money? That alone should drive your interest..."
The foundations of the conspiracy theory.
Averroes | USA | 01/28/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is divided into 2 parts:
The first part of this DVD is based on "Dan Brown" book "Secrets of "angles and Demons"". Although I did not read the books/novels of "Dan Brown" before however, his character is very obvious from the way of analyzing the events according to the first part of this DVD; he simply sees things that we see NORMALLY from a different side of view. For example, Galileo Galilei, a well-known physicist and astronomer burnt by catholic church because of his scientific proof that is the earth revolves around the sun i.e a claim that contradicts the bible, was trying to destroy the catholic church at that time!(i.e Galileo had a hidden plot to destroy the power of the church using science, according to Dan Brown!!!!) Another example, the famous drawings of Leonardo Davinci that summarize the "Genesis" and show god touch the first human being(Adam) with his finger to impart him the life. According to Dan Brown explanation, If you replaced the picture of THE god with human brain(i.e Leonardo was very familiar with human anatomy), you will find exact matching. This means Davinci was sending us a cryptic message, that is, although the "Genesis" states that God created Adam, but in reality man mind who created God!!! The hidden assumption here is " Davinci" was under the threaten of the church power when he was drawing!!!!
The second part of this DVD focuses mainly on what is known as Free- Masons; a secrete organization, based on the movie, controls the events of our world and has roots dating to ancient Egyptians/the time of building the Solomon temple. This part of the movie tries to link all world events and even the foundation of USA to that secret organization. If you are believing in the conspiracy theory, this movie will be very interesting for you. If you are believing in reality and distinguishing between what is "Myth" and "real", you will dislike this DVD as I do!. 3 stars for the music background, the vivid pictures, and the commentators' effort to convince the audience."