Found it at last!!
LtCol Richard L. Jones (USAF-Retire | Warner Robins, GA USA | 08/21/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Several years ago, in a Kansas City motel room killing time, I watched a TV special on the life of Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, and it blew me away. I didn't have a VCR handy, and have been searching ever since, hoping someone had put the program I saw out on VHS or DVD. Through my recent computer purchase and AMAZON.COM, I finally acquired both the VHS tape and DVD. Truly a remarkable story of a magnificent human being, entertainer, and opera singer. I have sung professionally but claim no operatic knowledge or expertise. However, it certainly seems that Dame Kiri Te Kanawa has the richest and most precise voice I have heard; I think she is the female equivalent of Pavarotti--a voice that is so captivating you don't have to be an opera lover to appreciate. It is so much better being able to watch and hear her sing, and learn of her remarkable life as an adopted orphan and her rise to the top. It is an inspiring, warmly human story and the best musical experience as well. Buy it."
She is the BEST !!!
E. Rodriguez | Jersey City, USA | 09/09/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have just received the dvd of the life of Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and to the truth that I continue convincing my self that she is the better lyric soprano that has existed. Kiri is one of those few singers that can sing everything well, everything sings beautifully. She is the best Manon, the best Desdemona, the best Capricio, the best Arabella. For something they say that who can sing Mozart successfully can sing any thing and she is the best Mozarian Soprano ever. That can also manages to give passion and feeling to the Verdi's best roles (Traviata) and to the heroines of Puccini. I recommend this video to everyone who wants to learn what is to sing with the best of the technicks(skills). She is more than a beautiful sound. She is a totally lady in the all sence..."
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa Bio.
D. G. Goeritz | 07/29/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I already have this documentary in VHS, but thought it worthwhile and important enough to get the DVD as well. Of course, I've watched this outstanding presentation several times already, and will be watching it many times more! That should say it all for the quality of this product!"