Hot for Papa
Wayne C. Close | Northbrook, IL United States | 09/07/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Katja is 19 and ready for "it". Unfortunately for her, she wants it from Daddy, but he has no clue. Instead he surprises her with the annoucement that he is getting married! Jealousy leads to some indiscrete liasons. Rare film that is pretty hot."
Creepy Concept, But Good Joe Sarno Flick...
4-Legged Defender | ATL. GA. | 03/10/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The creepy taboo of incest is explored/exploited by Joe Sarno (All The Sins Of Sodom) in this flick, but at least it`s the daughter lusting after Dad and not the other way around (I ain`t sayin` it`s right, but there IS a psychological condition known as 'The Electra Complex' that exists in certain young girls who have an unnatural preoccupation w/ their fathers). Katja lives alone w/ her father, and they share a deep affection - too deep, perhaps. One day Dad announces he`s re-marrying, and Katja`s world comes unglued. When she sees them in bed together, she decides to take matters into her own hands (no pun intended) and tries to disgrace her new mom while attempting to seduce her dad, who`s oblivious of his daughter`s fixation. This film is Danish-produced, and they were/are more lax in the apparant taboos we have ensconced in our American society, so the subject matter doesn`t seem so unusual or wrong (again, I ain`t sayin` it`s right, I`m just sayin`). And that`s why the movie works. For a film made in 1969, it`s notariety lies in its stretching the limits and possibilities of soft-core erotica, just before the advent of hardcore movies took us over the top. It helps that the actresses are attractive, the nudity abundant, and the exploitation envelope pushed. All in all, a good example of reasonably intelligent erotica from a lost era, well-handled (again,no pun intended) and well-executed. (Ignore the reviewer who whined about the picture quality, mine was fine). Loads of extras, trailers for other Joe Sarno flix, and a booklet - now, who`s your daddy?"
allenwood | 05/14/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"typical story of a girl with a crush on her father and her jealousy toward the woman in his life.she wanted him to bed her but he being a good ,straight laced father ignored her advances and she started having sex with women,including her fathers girlfriend"