It?s great fun to take out your guitar and pick with a friend. The trick is to play interesting and distinct lead and rhythm parts that are musical and tasteful ? without getting in the other player?s way. In a lively, "j... more »am-packed" display of ideas and musicianship, Mike Dowling (with the expert help of Pat Donohue) teaches the necessary strategies that enable two guitarists to make good music regardless of the song or style - even if you?ve never played a particular tune before. The two pros demonstrate a wide variety of essential skills, taking the mystery out of the use of the capo, using harmonizing chords up the neck, improvising 2nd guitar parts, trading solos and accompaniment, and much more. You?ll learn how to jam on the fingerpicking classic Freight Train, Mike?s lyrical original Wild Rose, up-tempo rags Salty Dog and Gee Whiz, blues tunes Trouble in Mind, Blues City and a terrific two-guitar boogie-woogie. Along the way, you?ll get sage advice on important topics that will help you in all of your guitar explorations.« less