What an interesting look at 9/11
'Sound' Advice | WA | 08/04/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What a shame that Amazon.com reviewer Bret Fetzer chose to look at the film in a political context rather than review it for the performances and technical achievement.
I first saw this film on Showtime and was pleasantly surprised by the performances, particularly those of Penny Johnson Jerald (of FOX's "24") as Condoleeza Rice, and Mary Gordon Murray as Laura Bush.
The intersplicing of real 9/11 footage with the filmmakers' shots is well done. And, while the end of the film could be seen as a campaign poster, the editing of the footage returns us to the reality that 3000 people lost their lives on September 11, 2001... which really is the point after all, isn't it?"
Give the President his Props
John M. Johnson | Akron, Ohio | 09/20/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It is only fair to aknowledge that DC 9/11 is essentially the way President Bush and the members of his administration tell their story. That said, it is all consistent with the known facts, and even republicans are entitled to express their point of view - particularly about their own actions.
If - make that when - a flattering behind-the-scenes drama is made about the Clinton White House, Clintonites will - rightly - expect it to be taken at face value; at least as long as there is nothing in it that is proven false. Those who disbelieve this portrayal of Bush and Company are entitled to their opinion. But, it is only opinion.
This account is plausible. In my opinion it is accurate. The President deserves recognition for the tremendous burden he has taken on. He has done better than most of us would have - and he has not complained. Laura Bush, Condaleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Karen Hughes and many others portrayed here deserve credit for rising to this tragic occasion. The War on Terror is a greater challenge than any of them expected when they signed on at the Bush White House.
It is amazing that Timothy Bottoms could play a serious George W. after playing him as a likable buffoon on "That's My Bush". The rest of the cast were also excellent. At times I was reminded of some of the better episodes of "The West Wing".
All in all; one side of the story very well told."
Politics Aside, good study in presidential command
Nicholas Walters | Houston, TX USA | 09/13/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If anyone who posted that this was such a bad movie, maybe you forgot what it felt like on 9/11. I guess if this is revisionism then the Discovery Channel and PBS are on the revisionist band wagon by showing a National Geographic Documentary on Air Force One, and a President and 9/11 special. This docudrama caught that day, showing the mistakes of the Phoenix memos, and the initial responses. Politics aside, this film shows The President's true feelings and that he did respond during those infamous 7 minutes. Let's try and leave politics out of a movie review. (...) Just remember this, if you were President what would you have done? Back to the DVD- the actors looked and sounded like the people. Bottoms did great as President Bush and Lawrence Pressman (coach in American Pie and in Winds of War on TV) was uncannily a double for Vice President Dick Cheney. It did not run too long and was well filmed. Regardless of party, it's one worth watching or at least renting. For future reference- this site should be a movie review site. Although it is the marketplace of ideas, no matter how unrelated they are to a MOVIE REVIEW.
Should not be viewed with hatred
Jan Wilson | Covina, Calif. , U.S.A. | 11/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"DC 9/11-Time of crisis is not, as some have said, a propaganda film about the Bush presidency. It is a docudrama of the events and aftermath of the worst attack on America in history. Behind the scenes we see the strengths of this president and why he is and will continue to be strong. #1. Choosing talented and dedicated people to fill cabinet posts. #2. His ability to listen to them but in the end make the final decisions. And #3. His unabashed faith in God. When viewing this film bear in mind that it is history, not mere entertainment,education,not propaganda."