fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 10/09/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
Any one who has followed my reviews at all probably knows that I am a huge MMA fan so it is a no brainier why I got this. Rich Franklin who is a former UFC Middleweight Champion now fighting in Light Heavyweight stars in this movie and I mean stars in this film. Most films with a famous athlete promote a film as if that person is a star only for them to have nothing more than a cameo or small part at the most. I was not expecting this film to be an instant classic so expectations were low which in this case may have actually helped.
The film is obviously about a Cyborg who is guess what a solider, sounds like a famous JCVD movie to me. Rich actually stars as Isaac which stands for something but it escapes me at the moment, and he is going rouge. When he escapes a team is sent out on the hunt for him and the mission is to terminate on sight, yikes. Once free he comes along a police officer named Lindsey Reardon played by "Saved by the Bell" alum Tiffani Thiessen. Whether she likes it or not she is his new side kick or maybe hostage depending on how you look at it. The film goes from action to a road film back into action and from were I am sitting it was actually enjoyable, at least with the brain off.
Writers Christopher Warre Smets, John Flock, and John Stead [also director] created a cool if some what "seen this before" storyline but it works for this material. The film moves along at a great pace never really feeling like it is being held up. While you won't find too much originality in the script or from the story you will no doubt be entertained if you don't go in expecting a grand film. Rich Franklin who is a light heavyweight fighter for the UFC actually does a good job for his acting debut. I have heard a lot of things about his acting being wooden or robotic but keep in mind he is playing a Cyborg, a robotic thing. You can tell at times when he is trying a bit too hard but there are other moments like the café scene were you can tell by that time in the production he was getting a little more comfortable. That scene in particular is a favorite of mine as I find it hilarious even if it was not intentional, but the dialogue and delivery are perfect from Rich.
As far as the rest of the cast Tiffani Thiessen is our leading lady and does a good enough job in her role and is believable enough. I thought for sure she would have been a bigger star by now but she is good in this. As a matter of fact every one is good in this movie or at least for this type of movie. To enjoy this film you truly need to go in with no expectations and just let it entertain you, it is after all a flick with Cyborg in the title. I would recommend this movie to all who are looking for something fun and not so serious. A rental for most but for us MMA fanatics it is a must if only to ham it up with Rich.
Action packed movie!!!
Movie Man | 10/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very gripping sci-fi film. It has a great cast - Rich Frankin from UFC, Tiffani Thiessen from Saved by the Bell and Bruce Greenwood from..... well, just about everything. The whole ensemble does really well together.
This film is action packed from beginning to end. Plenty of suspense. Plenty of action. The whole movie is definitely satisfying and will give you your adrenaline rush fix for the week"