These great reviews smell like another marketing ploy...
Brenda | USA | 06/24/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this movie then turned it in to a used dvd/cd exchange the following week...I was so dissapointed! In the film, the director, the actors, the script---Just dissapointed. I am a fan of indie films, and a film of urban films, however this is just a sad rip off of scream and I emphasize sad!!! And this trick that the studio plays on buyers placing Mack 10 and Bizzy Bone's names on the cover as leads when neither one of them have more than a few minutes of sceene time is unfair and missleading. If I were one of the true leading actors who starred in this film I would feel let down by this. Devoting much of your time to a project then getting pushed aside because you dont have a recognizable name?!?! Atleast they can say starring yadda yadda yadda with appearances by Mack 10 and Bizzy Bone. And the stars of the film from what I can remember gave dissmal performances. The main guy (corn rows, lightskin) was o.k. Nothing memorable. He's kinda pretty boyish but not a great performer nor believable. The leader of the opposing gang (tall, lrg frame, original suspect) was awful! Slured speach, needs acting lessons desperately. Bottom line- THIS FILM IS A JOKE! Not a funny one! I'm dissapointed in Tim Folsome! Maybe he was behind on his rent or something and needed money. Thats what it seemed like to me. That he threw anything into the market just to get paid! Shame on him!!!!"
Great story
Brenda | 12/28/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The movie was great. I rented it yesterday and found it fun. It's an urban horror film with a twist. I recommend this film."