BO BO BOB | JACKSON, MS | 03/21/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If "Sream" had never been made, then this would have been an original worth going to the movies to see. But since "Scream" 1,2,&3 were made, that relegates this carbon copy made with half the budget and no name brand actors to sraight to DVD. I have seen worse. It was worth viewing for the first time this year. It will probably be antother year before I view it again, unless "Scream 4" comes out bbefore then. This cheaper "Scream" is two levels below the original in all aspects. You will not be bored. You may be annoyed by Ms Valley Girl. I do not think I have ever rooted for a killer so much. Much to my dismay she survived for a sequel. For that reason alone, I did not give this movie three stars. If you can get the original, watch "Scream". If you cannot get "CUTTHROAT"."
Cut throat
GPC2 | New Orleans, LA | 06/04/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Like the other reviewers have said, this movie was a low budget version of Scream. It had nice production for a B movie, but the actors in this movie were awful. I know in these type of films you are not going to get Oscar level performers, but I've seen tons of other B movies where the unknown actors did pretty decent jobs. The bleach blonde valley girl was the worst in the lot. Listening to her speak was like running a cheese grater down a chalkboard and made me want to cut my own throat. She was the movie's downfall. Her lines were one cliche after another and that starts to work the nerves. Despite this being a Scream clone, this movie could have actually worked if actors with talent were casted. The two guys who were the killers at the end of the movie were horrible. It's like they were trying way too hard. It also seemed like they were reading their lines. I had the killer picked from the beginning. I was hoping this movie would have been clever enough to prove me wrong as the hints were so obvious. What a letdown to find out that I was right. This could've been a homerun if a little more thought was put into the writing and better actors were hired (especially if the slutty dumb blond was completly left out)."