Surprisingly, this movie isn't all that bad...
Andrew Ellington | I'm kind of everywhere | 06/30/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I know, I know; it's Britney Spears and so any self respecting film lover is supposed to instantly ignore this pre-ordained disaster. I tried, but a friend of mine and his wife rented this while I was at their house, and so I kind of had to watch it (and I will admit that curiosity had me intrigued). When the closing credits (accompanied by Spears' balladry) began to roll I found myself doubting what I was feeling.
Did I really just enjoy that movie?
The films plot seems a little generic, and at times it is, but it also has a layer of grit that I didn't expect. You have three friends who really aren't that close anymore. Lucy is a goody-two-shoes who is `saving herself' and lives with an overprotective father. Mimi wants to be a singer, but is saddled with a baby in the belly. Kit is almost too good for her `former' friends, and seems to hold a major grudge against Mimi. After they graduate they take a road trip so that Mimi can get a record deal (or at least try to get one). Along the way they pick up a `hot' guy.
That's kind of the basic plot, but there is surprising depth sprinkled in here and there that make this feel rather fresh.
I'll be one of the first to admit that the idea of Britney Spears acting made my stomach hurt a bit. I mean, she can barely sing (come on, you know it's true) and so the idea of her tackling another `artistic' venture seemed like a wasted effort. I'm shocked to say that her performance has a real dynamic I wasn't expecting. She feels natural here and surprisingly warm. I believe her. Taryn Manning has had me wrapped around her finger since I saw her follow Dunst around like a puppy dog in `Crazy/Beautiful' and I still adore her. She isn't exceptionally strong here, but she works. Zoe Saldana is gorgeous to look at, and she has honed her talent a considerable amount in recent years (she was best in show in that `Avatar' mess, and she animated) but here she is rather token and clichéd.
Don't let the cover fool you, this isn't the atrocity it could have been. Yes, Britney Spears sings (of course she has to). I was rather disappointed with the script shrugging off Manning's talent (vocally) in order to capitalize on Spears, but whatever. In the end, the films expected flaws are apparent but forgivable thanks to the fact that the film contains hidden gems I never saw coming."
Alejandro Juarez | Buenos Aires, Argentina! | 12/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really like this movie. I remember when I went to the cinema for the first time in my life back in 2002 to watch Britney's big screen debut, It was a great experience.
This DVD is very good because is "The Collectors Edition".
Great Movie. Great DVD.
Love U B!