For thousands of years an Alien presence here on Earth has made us aware of their existence through miraculous signs and wonders, such as the Ancient Nasca Lines of Peru, the Sphinx and Pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, and n... more »ow, the global phenomena of Crop Circles. Presented for the first time in this explosive series is the discovery of a secret symbolic language or meaning, a - cosmic code -in the crop circle formations. However there are dark forces at work that would use the mystery of Crop Circles to confuse the public regarding the greatest of all truths, that we are not alone in the universe. This award winning six part series of programs represent the largest collection of films, photographs and research ever assembled on the Crop Circle phenomenon. Witness for yourself the stunning, complexity, beauty and grandeur of Crop Circles in this amazing DVD series. In the end what you will discover can only be called a miracle. Includes 6 films:
Vol. 1: Crop Circle Communique
Vol. 2: Crop Circle Communique 2 - Revelations
Vol. 3: The 2001 Crop Circles Vol.
4: Crop Circles: The Cosmic Connection
Vol. 5: Something Wonderful Has Happened But It Was Not In The News
Vol. 6: Mystery Of The Crop Circles: The Cosmic Code« less