High school sweethearts Brady, Claire and six of their college friends board a houseboat for a fun-filled, sun-soaked spring break vacation. But when they discover a nest of large eggs in the marshlands -- and can't resis... more »t taking one back to the party -- their weekend of fun-in-the-sun will turn into a weekend of terror.« less
K. S Schneider | Springfield, OR United States | 10/26/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Most of you out there know the famous Tobe Hooper directed this. Most of his movies are now clasics and this one should be treated the same!Tobe rased the money for this film by him self and put alot of hard work into it. Don't think that you're buying a low budget film with bad actors and a crappy script because you're not. You're buying a low budget film with great acting and an awesom script! It's about a group of 6 teens on spring break being stalked by a 30 foot mother croc because they took her last egg. One by one each teen is devoured until the final three have to find a way to stop the croc before it's too late. If you are a fan of Tobe Hooper you will love it."
Better than "Eaten Alive"
Jeffrey Leach | Omaha, NE USA | 06/10/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I can't say for certain whether Tobe Hooper's film "Crocodile" was the one to kick off the spate of low budget beastie flicks currently plaguing video store shelves. It might have been the one, though, since Hooper's activities have been known to attract copycats. Perhaps this director is simply ripping off his own work, as he was the one who made the atrocious "Eaten Alive" back in the late 1970s. That film involved a killer crocodile (or was it an alligator?) wreaking havoc in the bayous of Louisiana. Well, "Crocodile" is a much, much better film than "Eaten Alive," but it isn't anything to brag about to your friends. It's sort of sad that Hooper's film career has had more downs than ups. "Crocodile" will probably not rescuitate his flagging career. While the movie is often fun to watch, we need to be honest with ourselves and admit that we have seen this all before. Aside from "Eaten Alive," the 1970s and early 1980s saw a huge number of similarly themed films. You had alligators roaming through sewers, piranhas preying on swimmers, and sharks shutting down beaches. I'm guessing these movies have something to do with the human need to believe in civilization. By conquering whatever nature can throw at it, humanity proves its own inestimable worth and confirms its position as ruler of the earth.Before we can believe we are truly superior, we must make the requisite number of sacrifices to nature. In the case of "Crocodile," that means a bunch of college age kids heading out to a lake for a few days of summer fun. You've got Brady (Mark McLachlan), Claire (Caitlin Martin), Duncan (Chris Solari), Kit (D.W. Reiser), Annabelle (Julie Mertz), Sunny (Sommer Knight), Foster (Rhett Jordan), and Hubs (Greg Wayne) serving as the soon to be victims. The lead up to the massacre involves the mandatory relationship problems, overweening egos, and general bad behavior one expects from America's youth. For example, Claire is a nice girl just hoping to share a few precious moments with her lovebird Brady, but finds it difficult to hang out with him when his obnoxious friends show up. Too, Sunny has designs on Brady; designs that she hoped would find fulfillment on the trip before she knew Claire was coming along. Of course, Sunny and Brady have a little secret of their own that could cause serious problems for Claire. Yet, it is easy to forget such trivialities when the sun comes out, the water turns warm, and the alcohol flows like a river.Unbeknownst to our eight happy campers, something horrible lurks in the deep waters of the lake. Two insufferable fishermen first encounter this beast when they stumble over a nest of crocodile eggs on the shoreline. Being the ecologically minded souls that they are, the two yucks start throwing the eggs around, breaking the shells while they laugh maniacally. Sadly for the fishermen the mother croc turns up at an inopportune time, making her presence known in no uncertain terms by gulping up one of the fools in a single bite. The kids, camping some distance away, here the calamity but think nothing of it at first. They do find the nest the next day, and once again humans start mucking around with the croc's potential offspring. One of the kids hides an egg in Claire's bag, much to her chagrin later. Soon after, the crocodile finally makes herself known to the youths by destroying their houseboat and chasing them overland for miles. Shrieks, the beating of chests, and the tearing of hair follow all to no avail. The beast turns out to be the size of a blimp with the ability to run at mach speeds. Our heroes and heroines begin to drop off one by one, overwhelmed by the brute force of nature run amok. To explain the presence of this creature, some bunkum story emerges that a local resident brought giant crocodiles over from Egypt years before, but the kids don't really care about that once the bloodletting begins. They just want to get away with their lives. Some will, of course, but more won't. "Crocodile" is so formulaic that we can guess from the get go how it will wrap up.The general plot is rather pedestrian. The acting is, too, although it could be worse-and often is-in a film from this sub genre. The worst actor in the production has to be Sheriff Bowman (Harrison Young), the local cop who initially harasses the kids and then tries to save them. His leering, hammy performance didn't help the movie in any way. What really sets Hooper's movie apart from all the other efforts of the '70s and '80s are the special effects. Depicting an enormous crocodile with the ability to destroy civilization has to have shock and awe production values, so the filmmakers turned to CGI effects to realize their creation. A computer animated crocodile works most of the time, but occasionally looks a little cheesy. For instance, when the animal leaps over a boat sailing across the lake the effect looked like a computer animation. The techs did a better job when the crocodile attacks people. Pay attention to the scenes on the dock and on the boat. Good grief!The "Crocodile" disc include a few trailers, a behind the scenes look at the special effects, interviews, and a commentary track with Tobe Hooper. I should say that the problems with "Crocodile" pale in comparison with the inherent difficulties found in low budget dreck like the "Shark Attack" films. Here's to hoping Tobe Hooper can revitalize his flagging career; he will have to do better than this movie, but it's a step in the right direction. Give it a watch."
A so-so "bad movie"
Alexis S. Mendez | Aguadilla, PR USA | 01/19/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I can enjoy a bad movie if it is funny, creative, or at least entertaining. "Crocodile" is one of those movies, even if it is not very good.Two main problems:1) The characthers are hard to tolerate. You even root for the crocodile. Really. They are childish, obnoxious and plain stupid.2) The movie steals from everywhere. It starts with a comparison between sex and pizza, taken from "Threesome". Horror scenes that seems to be taken from "Night of the Living Dead", "Anaconda" and other are probably to "honor those monster flicks" (yeah, right).But there are some nice scares, and the last scenes are so foolish that you have to laugh in an enjoyable way. At least the movie keeps you entertained and it even surprises you.By the way, regarding other reviewers that complains that the movie is cheap (an usual comment on "B-movies"), please remember that the best horror flicks ("Night of Living Dead", "Halloween", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", other) were very cheap. I am not comparing "Crocodile" against these classics, but it shows that is not the money and technology what counts."
A little dumb but LOTS of fun
N. Dungan | 12/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A group of teenagers plan a fun filled Spring Break on a house boat. One day the group stumble upon a load of crocodile eggs (most of them smashed already). Goofing around they break one and steal another. The next day they wake up and realise that the boat managed to drift away and none of them have any clue where the hell they are. That's not their only problem, for the mother(named Flat Dog) is extramly mad and wants revenge. After reviewing Blood Surf I remembered that I hadn't reviews Crocodile, so here it is. I highly enjoyed this flick and seriously think it should of gone to the cinema so it's ten times better then a few movies that have gone to the cinema, it's got quite alot of scares, I can't count the amount of times I jumped out of my seat. The movie has some cool gore and a nice script and is helped by some likable charicters. This is a great started for all the young actors in this movie, each one of them look to be having a blast in their roles and do a superb job as well. I still can't believe I didn't get a chance to see this on the big screen it's so good. I found myself into this movie very quickly it was truly a brilliant movie, I have my DVD ordered. I highly recommend this movie to any one of you (but there is a little bit of cheese, Croc pushing a car into the water to distroy the evadence anyone??) but who cares, it's to damn entertaining."
A killer remake
Jarrett P. Suhr | Fortlaterdale , Florida, USA | 11/11/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you saw the original Texas Chainsaw Masscer and the Poltergist. You'll love this. This movie is a remake of the original Crocodile shout back in 1981. Some tennagers are coming to the lake to party. While exploring the shore and find a nest full of eggs which all but one is destroyed. One of the tennagers takes the egg. Little does he know he is being watch by a full grown 30 foot salt water crocodile. Who got pissed of. Some drunk fisherman disturb here nested. Smash the some of the eggs and threw some in the water where they sunk. The crocodile goes one a killing spree. Will the teens survive find out in the bonechilling conclusion."