Notorious raider of the eighteenth century sea lanes, Captain Vallo, a.k.a. The Crimson Pirate, and his band of buccaneers overtake a Spanish galleon filled with guns and ammunition. When he decides to sell the stolen arse... more »nal to rebel leader El Libre on the island of Cobra, the representative of Spain, Baron Gruda, offers Vallo 50,000 florins if he will deliver El Libre instead. Vallo is soon caught between the Spanish, the rebellion, and even the mutiny of his own men. But having allen in love with El Libre's daughter Consuelo, Vallo gains back his crew's trust and leads the island of Cobra to freedom.« less
"Fans of Bloom and Deep's Pirates of the Caribbean, should check out pirate camp is done by the old pro Burt Lancaster. This is one riotously funny movie with Burt Lancaster and partner Nick Cravat (they were real partners in a circus act, childhood pals, before breaking into film!) and they get to strut them stuff in this really great film. Lancaster and Cravat play Pirates, in the true tradition, and while tweaking the local authorities nose and robing them blind, they come across Consuelo (Eva Bartok). She is the daughter of a local rebel who they are going to hang and she wants Lancaster to help free him. Tossing
James Hayter's absentminded Professor Prudence and Christopher Lee (an actual sword-fighter!! - watch Saruman in his younger days!!) you get all the perfect mix for slapstick humour at its best.A long neglected classic and is fun for the whole family."
The swashbucklers return!
Daniel Waitkoss | St. Charles, Missouri USA | 07/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"OK, the wait is over. Finally someone has decided to bring the classic swashbucklers to the DVD medium and it is about time. "The Crimson Pirate" is one of two Lancaster swashbucklers--the other is "The Flame and the Arrow"--and a wonderful mixture of comedy and acrobats. While not on a par with the older Flynn/Tyrone Power epics, "Pirate" stands above most of the pirate films of the late 1940s and 1950s. It is not to be missed by any fan of Burt Lancaster, especially those who wish to see how good he probably was as a circus performer. This is one to hold on to and, hopefully, will be the beginning of more of these grand entertainments on DVD!!"
Nix Pix | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 07/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
""The Crimson Pirate" is the film that really cemented Burt Lancaster's career in Hollywood as a major player. Aside from the fact that Burt does all of his own stunt work - some of it so harrowing I almost had to close my eyes, this nimble, garishly colorful and thoroughly captivating spectacle really grabs the viewer in. Burt plays a pirate, out for revenge and gold. Stop me if you've heard this one before. But the script moves the story along with witty dialogue and plenty of eye boggling acrobatic routines that will leave you thrilling for more.
Warner Home Video has given us a nice looking DVD. Though age related artifacts are present throughout the transfer, colors are nevertheless rich, bold and well balanced. The film has a decidely "warm" look to it with flesh tones that are perhaps a bit too orangy. But oh, how the Technicolor photography will simply take your breath away. Edge enhancement, shimmering and minor pixelization are all present but at extremely low levels. The audio is mono but nicely cleaned up and well balanced.
EXTRAS: NOT A ONE. I have to say that I'm not really happy with Warner's classic DVD policy of late. While many of the Warner Titles from the library get extra features packed into them the MGM titles of late are generally getting shafted with substandard transfers and no extras (Father of the Bride and Broadway Melody of 1940 come immediately to mind). A classic is a classic, no matter the studio that originally made it. Do them all right or don't do them at all!
BOTTOM LINE: This is the swashbuckler to get. Aside from "Scaramouche", which is bar none, the best sword play movie in this latest crop of Warner DVD's, "The Crimson Pirate" will certainly not let you down and the transfer is pretty good besides!"
Swashbuckling Burlesque
Edward L. Kramer | Fort Worth, TX USA | 07/08/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've enjoyed this film every time I've viewed it from childhood into middle-age. A charming pirate romp with wonderful humor, terrific stunts (many of which are performed by the multi-talented Burt Lancaster who himself was a circus acrobat in his youth), and an off-beat cast of characters make for solid entertainment. And the musical score is, by turns, thrilling and humorous, perfectly accenting the performances. I enthusiastically recommend this film and eagerly await a DVD version."
Burt Lancaster at his acrobatic best.
Russell Fanelli | Longmeadow, MA USA | 07/17/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Burt Lancaster and Nick Cravat teamed up many times in their long careers, but never, I think, as well as in the Crimson Pirate. Both are fine athletes and acrobats and turn the movie into a circus romp of stunts and high jinx. Don't worry much about the plot. From beginning to end Burt, the Crimson Pirate, and his sidekick Ojo, Nick, engage in nonstop action and adventure as they swing from yardarms, dash around town, swim underwater for what seems like hours, and fight continuously all the kings soldiers and all the kings men who fall down like dominoes as Burt and Nick punch and kick them down or overboard. They are kung fu supermen slightly before their time. All in good fun.The Crimson Pirate is Saturday Afternoon at the Movies at its best. With a bright clear picture and good sound coming from the DVD transfer, all you need is popcorn and a cold drink for an entertaining afternoon with the kids."