John Hedgecock | North Little Rock, AR USA | 09/07/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is part two of the excellent history of how organized crime got a stranglehold on this country; especially, but not limited to, the New York, New Jersy, northeast USA. Organized crime has managed to get a foothold over the entire nation. Every honest american should view these videos. Question: "Why can't the FBI and other police forces stop organized crime?" Answer: (1) Because there are too many corrupt lawyers, polititions, judges, police officers, etc. (2) When the gangsters are finally brought into court they are many times acquitted by a moronic or intimitated jury. Remember John Gotti, the "Teflon Don?". He was acquitted two or three times. I guess the community did not care about justice. Organized crime gets a payment for every cubic yard of concrete poured in the New York/New Jersy area---CAN ANYBODY STOP THIS? WHERE IS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? SHAME, SHAME, SHAME."
Corey Mayers | Caribbean | 03/03/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"if you are a person looking for answers relating to the mafia and its organized crime of 1960 and up this is the dvd to watch"