Its the size of J-Lo's ass....
J. Kramer | Bronx/Queens , NY | 08/19/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
" one of the lines describing the Spider.
Ok, Im not even going to really review this as i rented three movies from Blockbuster the other day 1-Creepies 2-Feeding the Masses 3- The Wickeds, with only being pleased some what with The Wickeds.
The movie the Creepies is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.It goes in the category off any type of bad horror film be it Slasher or Zombie, this is top 5 horrible. The acting is so damn horrible the plot is Ok, everything else is just crap, everything I mean everything is CGI all animated. And yes the effects are truly horrible and the Gore is just Mediocre. The tanks they sit in are absolutly fake as can be as all the machine parts in the tank look like childrens toys and when they look throught some type of monitor to see whats out side,oh man lol, these effects are the worst I have ever seen , I thought the effects in Feeding the Masses was bad, damn was I wrong . The Creepies is the worst movie I have ever seen, so damn bad you cant stop watching it its so damn funny. Im tsuck betrween not knowing which is the worst film I have evr seen and they are Corpses are Forever or the Creepies, Corpses are forever considering the Creepes was so horrible it had me in tears.
Please do not waste money on this, if youa re considering ti rent first and thats still a waste. If you want rent the Wickeds which was good and they have a 3 minute clip of the Creepies on there, OH man was this movie bad, every aspect. Dont waste your money.
i know thgis review was probably not helpful in many ways I just dont know what to say"
Hack Your Way Through 87 Minutes of Cheese
M. Crowson | Richmond, Virginia United States | 10/21/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"There are, without a doubt, many things to dislike about this, extremely low budget, film. I could begin to tear apart the stilted acting, the uninspired direction, the confusing plot (yes, there is a plot), the lack of any convincing vehicles, and the really bad creature effects, but you know what, despite all of that, I actually liked this film. It wasn't the cheesy acting and effects that I liked, it was that this production group decided to make a movie that they knew was way out of their budget. Despite cutting almost every single corner they could fine, they still managed to come up with a couple of good effects, a couple of good plot ideas, and one or two characters that I ended up liking quite a bit. The scene when the giant spider comes out of the ground reminded me of those old Godzilla movies and I was pretty pleased with how it looked. The vehicle models, while not convincing enough to be real, did have the same type of look and feel that models in a Godzilla movie have. Yes, there are a ton of things wrong with this movie, but they did a few things right. Slice your way through the cheese, and you might just have a good time watching this. I really wish we could give half stars, because I feel this movie deserves more than two stars, but three is way too generous."
"A True Classic"
Human_Patch_Office | Seattle | 03/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you dont have a taste for "bad movies" then skip this movie. But if you love movies like Terror Toons, Drainiac(s), Killjoy, Asylum of the dead etc... THIS MOVIE MUST BE IN YOUR LIBRARY. It is one of the best "Worst" movies ever created. It is a cinematic failure of catastrophic proportions. Cheesy special effects, unexplainably rediculous lines like, "Ive seen alot of things in my day, but NEVER have i seen a military instalation full of spiderwebs!" and so on. This movie is pure comedy from begining to end. On the other hand it is a tad long for some reason but it is shocking from begining to end. Again, realisticly this is not a good movie. But for those of you who love to watch cheesy horror movies (although i wouldent consider this horror) your collection would be lonely without this movie. Absolutely Hilarious."
Wow is this bad!
Bill Huebsch | Virginia | 10/21/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There is really not much good to say about this movie except that the people who made it probably had a lot of fun. So much fun that according to IMDB they are making a sequel. Picture yourself and a bunch of your friends getting together with a general idea of what you want to do and making up the rest as you go. Do you think a lot of folks besides your friends and family would want to watch it? If so, then you may like this movie. If not, then odds are you won't. The acting is dreadful, the special effects are commical, and the plot is pretty weak."