"Crash Dive" is an appropriate name for this movie
Niki M. | Alexandria, VA | 01/27/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is bad, and I do mean BAD! On what planet do you think a top-secret classified sub ladened with nuclear weapons would surface to rescue boaters in distress? Apparently, they never got the memo that nuclear subs are supposed to "run silent, run deep". Or how about one of the rescued boaters walking around unguarded on the sub asking a serviceman "What room is this?" His response: "Oh, this is where we keep the nuclear weapons." With laughable depictions like these, I am surprised the real Navy didn't sue for defamation.
The Russians are probably kicking themselves that they didn't think of a plan like this. They could have put a bunch of Russian operatives out to sea in sinking boats, sent out distress signals, and just waited for U.S. nuclear subs to come their rescue. The Russians would have taken over our entire fleet in no time. If this movie was any real depiction of our navy, all Americans would be well on our way to speaking Russian instead of Spanish. LOL!
The acting is over-the-top. The heroic background music is over-the-top. The premise is so absurd it's impossible to take the movie seriously. Since when did terrorists start carrying photo IDs with them on terrorist missions? And the laughs just keep on coming.
Don't get me wrong, this movie is not without its moments. The suspense of what the next cheesey scene was going to be kept me riveted."