For your sense of scale / a creative spark
Ryan Grant | san francisco, usa | 04/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Back in gradeschool there was a wonderful day when we were shown "Powers of Ten". It was very fast, and very short, but one of the most jam-packed mind-expanding experiences available. In short, a math concept (the logarithm) is used zooming out, and then in, to give you a tour from wide astronomy to partical physics. Well let me tell how far we've come...
Some of the graphics in this 1996 feature were rendered by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). That means significant supercomputing, programming, and visualization research went into our best scientific understanding of how galaxies cluster, at the farthest scale of the universe, and you get to fly around through it in this video. But of course it's the whole trip out there (and back), that's so appealing.
I have to admit i've only seen this 2008 rerelease in a planetarium. I doubt the same visual shock will fit in widescreen, but even if the movie loses half its visual effect, the sense of wonder - the opportunity to think big (and small) - will remain.
BTW, the original "Powers of Ten" is by Charles and Ray Eames, 1977. There's a version reproduced with permission on YouTube, and since it's only 9 minutes long, you can get a taste of the theme quickly, for free. Comparing versions, we have added two powers of ten to our knowledge since then, and the graphics are way better.
Pricey for barebones and dated material...
BriS2K | Canada | 02/28/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The PQ is above average and the material/concept is neat (unfortunately presented at a very high level i.e. for kids), but why I give it only 3 stars is that its completely barebones other than the 2 features on the disc. For the relatively high price I'm expecting alot more. Boo. Also, the computer generated graphics is noticably old. I'd recommend renting this first if you can."
So-so in HD
Robin C. Canfield | Cascadia | 02/06/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is pretty cool, but when viewed on an HD TV the overwhelming special effects are overwhelmingly CGI. They video is still fun for the most part, but I actually prefer the Destiny in Space film that came on the disc as an extra, simply because the shots of earth from space are real, and from the best cameras possible. It's just more fun to look at."