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Search - Core Physics: Classical Physics/Modern Physics on DVD

Core Physics: Classical Physics/Modern Physics
Core Physics Classical Physics/Modern Physics
Actor: None
Director: Ron Meyer
Genres: Special Interests, Educational, Documentary
2007     1hr 5min

Physics is the study of the elemental constituents of the universe. It deals with matter energy, forces, space and time. In the long history of physics, a series of discoveries and laws laid the foundation for how the univ...  more »


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Movie Details

Actor: None
Director: Ron Meyer
Genres: Special Interests, Educational, Documentary
Sub-Genres: Special Interests, Educational, Science & Technology
Studio: Ambrose Video
Format: DVD - Subtitled
DVD Release Date: 12/04/2007
Release Year: 2007
Run Time: 1hr 5min
Number of Discs: 2
SwapaDVD Credits: 2
Total Copies: 0
Members Wishing: 1
Languages: English
Subtitles: Spanish

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Movie Reviews

Physics quickies
bernie | Arlington, Texas | 03/21/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)

"A classical physics overview quickie

This film that can be viewed on any DVD player is really designed for a computer to be able to retrieve items like the timeline below.

Seeing the term classical, you would expect Greek or Egyptian concepts of physics or maybe even earth wind and fire. However, you will be disappointed as it is only the nineteenth century.

Core Physics: Classical Physics Timeline

1589 - 1899

1589 - Pisa University mathematics instructor Galileo Galilei studies the motion of objects and begins to write his unfinished book - On Motion

1602 - Galileo observes that the period of a swinging pendulum is independent of the amplitude of the swinging pendulum

1609 - Galileo makes his first telescope

1632 - Galileo publishes Dialogue concerning the two greatest world systems, which argues convincingly for the Copernican view that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun

1665 - Isaac Newton begins study of calculus

1684 - Leibniz publishes the beginning of his work on differential and integral calculus.

1687 - Newton publishes Principia Mechanica

1738 - Daniel Bernoulli writes Hydrodynamics

1770 - Hyperbolic trigonometry is developed

1772 - Henry Cavendish discovers that the electrostatic force is described by an inverse square law similar to gravity

1789 - Charles-Augustin de Coulomb recreates Cavendish's experiment

1799 - Pierre-Simon Laplace publishes Treatise on Celestial Mechanics

1807 - Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier writes On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodie.

1820 - Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted shows that an electric current in a wire can move the magnetic needle of a compass, suggesting electricity and magnetism are related

1826 - Andre Marie Ampere develops Ampere's Law, showing the magnetic force between two parallel wires with electric current

1827 - Frederich Ohm publishes Ohm's Law of electrical resistance

1831 - Michael Faraday discovers magnetic induction, now known as Faraday's Law

1842 - Austrian mathematician and physicist Christian Doppler publishes his work on the Doppler Effect

1873 - James Clerk Maxwell publishes a set of equations from which all of the observed laws of electromagnetism can be derived through mathematics

1884 - Heinrich Hertz creates the first radio waves

1884 - Ludwig Boltzmann makes a theoretical derivation of black body radiation using

Maxwell's equations and thermodynamics

1895 - Wilhelm Rontgen discovers X-rays and gamma radiation

1897 - Electron discovered by J.J. Thompson

A modern physics overview quickie

This film that can be viewed on any DVD player is really designed for a computer to be able to retrieve items like the timeline below.

It is a cursive overview and even the most non-physics mind like those that read Gary Zukav can get an insight as to what physics really is and where we stand today (2007) that is. Math is very little to nil. Playtime about 30 minutes.

This is still a good addition to your library.

Core Physics: Modern Physics Timeline

1900 - Present

1901 - Max Planck makes his quantum hypothesis, called Planck's Law - energy is carried by indistinguishable units called quanta, rather than flowing in a pure continuum

1905 - Albert Einstein proposes Planck's quantum hypothesis as the physics underlying the photoelectric effect, developing quantum theory, one of the two most important developments in 20th century physics

1905 - Einstein publishes his Special Theory of Relativity

1915 - Emmy Noether publishes Noether's Theorem, discovering the relationship between symmetries and conserved currents that will later be crucial to the development of quantum gauge field theory and string theory

1915 - Einstein publishes his General Theory of Relativity

1924 - Louis duc de Broglie proposes the particle-wave duality of the electron in his doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne

1926 - Erwin Schrodinger develops his wave equation version of quantum mechanics

1927 - Werner Heisenberg discovers the Uncertainty Principle

1928 - Paul Dirac predicts the discovery of the positron

1929 - Edwin Hubble observes the redshift of distant galaxies and concludes that the

Universe is expanding

1931 - Einstein stops using the cosmological constant to keep the Universe from expanding.

1933 - Astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky infers existence of dark matter

1935 - Physicist Subramahnyan Chandrasekhar predicts black holes

1953 - Murray Gell-Mann lays foundation for the quark

1964 - Cambridge mathematician Roger Penrose proves that a black hole space/time must contain behind the black hole event horizon a singularity where space/time physics ceases to make good sense

1964 - Murray Gell-Mann proposes fundamental particles that Gell-Mann names "quarks"

1968 - Gabriele Veneziano founds modern string theory

1970 - Yoichiro Nambu, Leonard Susskind, and Holger Nielsen independently discover that the dual resonance model devised by Veneziano is based on the quantum mechanics of relativistic vibrating strings, and string theory begins

1973 - Predictions of Great Attractor are made

1974 - Stephen Hawking combines quantum field theory with classical general relativity and predicts that black holes radiate through particle emission

1974 - Joel Scherk and John Schwarz propose string theory as a theory of quantum gravity, an idea that takes ten years to be widely appreciated

1975 - Vera Rubin announces the existence of dark matter

1980 - Alan Guth puts forward the idea of an inflationary phase of the early Universe, before the Big Bang

1981 - Michael Green and John Schwarz develop superstring theory

1986 - Location of Great Attractor is found

2006 - Dark matter observed separate from ordinary matter
