An emotional gathering in an IDF base on the Golan Heights... A Columbian mother studying in the Utah desert... They are all Connected. Assemble the people the men, the women, the small children, and the stranger who is wi... more »thin your gates in order for them to hear and they will learn, and they shall fear the L-rd your G-d, and observe all the words of this Torah. DEUTERONOMY 31:10 When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every seventh year was known as a Year of Hakhel a year of gathering. The entire Jewish nation would gather in Jerusalem, and the king would read passages of the Torah as all of the people man, woman and child would stand together in awe and reverence for the Word of G-d. The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, proclaimed that the spirit of the Year of Gathering can be relived today. Connected brings you to eleven Jewish gatherings around the world following an exciting and surprising path of interconnectedness that traverses the globe.« less