If you thought Bowie'e REALITY tour DVD was hard to watch...
S. Kurtz | Almost Asbury Park | 06/09/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"...wait'll ya see this!
The music on this is wonderful, as the Stereos do what they do best...rock the house! But, again, we get one of those ultra-stoned directors who can't keep their fingers off the special effects and switch-from-one-angle-to-another buttons and so we're left with a great sounding but horrible looking show.
There's a 25-minute documentary on the band included as a special feature, and during this segment there's some live footage shown that's steady and easy on the eyes. Why couldn't they have done more of this for the actual concert presented? And it's not just the quick pans, it's the stretching and distorting of the picture itself that gets VERY VERY annoying and VERY VERY monotonous.
BUT...the good news is the music and it's a houseparty folks..it really is. The Stereos are a gas live and this show proves it. There's also a CD included of remixes of five songs...about a half hours worth.
So...I give this package three stars, but only because of the terrible direction done on the concert portion. In a perfect world, directors would just aim and shoot. Even the amateurs that do the Pearl Jam DVD's know how to do it. It's a shame the "pros" do not."