Within the Sanctity of the Confessional Murder can be Secret
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 02/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Jonathan Myers makes an impressive film debut as writer/director of CONFESSION, a very well done film that unfortunately went direct to DVD. Though the script is at times a bit clumsy and the control over the arch of emotion from the actors could be tighter, the film succeeds as a thriller, beautifully capturing the mysteries of the Catholic traditions.
In a private, expensive Catholic Prep School Luther Scott (Chris Pine) is a business minded renegade, supplying the student body with booze, porn movies, and other off limits paraphernalia. His hesitant roommate Robbie (Lukas Behnken) assists him but on a turnkey night their partying dorm is visited by the headmaster Father Thomas Parker (Bruce Davison) with a potential rich Senator's student son: the party is over. The boys are all subjected to questioning as to the source of the contraband and one student informs on Luther and Robbie and in a fit of anger Luther pushes the student to his death while disguised/dressed as a priest. Luther makes Robbie promise to keep their secret and Luther 'absolves' himself in the confessional where he admits his murderous act to the kind Father Michael Kelly (Cameron Daddo). Obeying the rules that words said in confessional must remain secret, Father Kelly becomes suspect as the perpetrator and elects to remain silent. The manner in which Luther and Robbie cope with the arrest of an innocent man and the resolution of the crime provide the exciting if a bit predictable conclusion to the story.
The cast is variable but generally fine, especially Australian actor Cameron Daddo and young Chris Pine, allowing us to understand the rites of the Church without condescension. The cinematography is moodily atmospheric and the musical score by Ryan Shore admixes ecclesiastic tones with contemporary mood music. Given that this is a first film for Myers it is one worth examining for the potential it carries. Grady Harp, February 06
Confession Dvd.
B. N. Keenoo | south wales | 04/16/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recent this item in very good condition.
This story is set in a boys catholic boarding school. Religion plays a big part in this story. It focuses on how these boys are being brought up in a strict enviroment and the impact discipline when these boys do wrongful deeds.
Chris Pine the main character, sells pornographic materials and alcohol which he keeps stored in his suitcase from this bedroom.
One of his colleagues snitches on him and Chris Pine is hell bent on finding out who it was. When he dose find out, Chris decides to teach him a lesson and chases through the school yard in the night. The situation gets out of hand when accidently the culprit falls to his depth leaving Chris and his roommate to cover up the death.
Eventhough it was an accident, Chris Pine knows no-one will believe him.
An investigation follows where every student and members of staff are interviewed.
This was very entertaining."
Interesting suspenseful film
katie | 08/06/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was interested in seeing some Chris Pine movies after seeing STar Trek 2009, so I bought this and was pleasantly surprised. Good, interesting plot and Chris Pine did a nice job acting, though he didn't play a pleasant character."