Thriving Relationships in Worship Ministry — Lincoln Brewster — Drummer's Master Class Gregg Bissonette — Bass Guitar in Worship — David Ellefson — Effective Worship Leadership Brian Doerksen — Mastering the CAGED System Rich Se... more »verson
Vocal Technique Sheri Gould
Keyboard Master Class Tom Brooks
Critically Listening John Mills
Why Theology Matters Bob Kauflin
Working Together as a Band Jeffrey Scott
7 Steps for Writing and Recording Better Songs Matt Kees
DVD-ROM Content * PDF files of Worship Musician and Christian Musician Magazine
* MP3 and PDF files of new songs by: Darrell Evans, Bluetree, Scott Riggan, Jeremy Riddle, Michael Bahn, Jesse Suster, Jesse Butterworth, Bob Kilpatrick, Brandon Bee, Matt Kees, Ryland Russell, Chad Gentry, Shelley Green, Matt McCoy, Heather Mangum, Matt Pitzl and more...
* PDF files for "Keyboard Master Class" and "Critically Listening"« less