Daimajin — Decked out in stone gray with a scowling jade-green war face, Majin is one of the most impressive of giant Japanese monster movie threats. This 60-foot statue come to life is an irresistible force, relentlessly d... more »riving ahead with the thundering echoes of his earthshaking steps. This unusual mix of the fantasy and samurai genres is found in these three monumental adventures set in the feudal past. In the first of the trilogy, this massive statue rising up out of the mountains contains the trapped spirit of a destructive god, or so goes the legend. An ambitious chamberlain plays on the peasants' fears to overthrow the peaceful lord and enforces an iron fist on his nation, but 10 years later he sends his soldiers to destroy the stone monolith. When Majin is finally roused by prayer and righteous anger, it proves to be an impressive figure, leaving the chamberlain's massive fort splinters and rubble in its wake while relentlessly hunting down the villain to deliver his poetic justice. Director Kimiyoshi Yasuda brings a stoic seriousness to these scenes, never once allowing them to slip into camp. If only his handling of the human drama were equally bold. The story of the royal heirs growing up in the shadow of Majin and planning their return to power is serviceable if conventional, but once Majin stirs at the 60-minute mark, the film roars to life for a destructive, ruthlessly satisfying conclusion. The title, Daimajin, roughly translates to "Giant" or "Monster" Majin; the film is also known as Giant Majin and Majin: Monster of Terror. Return of Daimajin
The second of the Majin films is as much a loose remake as a sequel. Four kids from a peaceful mountain village trek over the forbidden Majin Mountain to reach the land of the tyrant king who has kidnapped and enslaved the men of their village, including their own fathers. This adventure takes the film out of the studio environs of the first film and into impressive mountain locations, but once again the meandering human adventure is merely a prelude to the wrath of Majin and his unstoppable march of vengeance. Despite the addition of these cute kids, director Issei Mori maintains the serious tone set in the first film; this really isn't kid stuff, despite a few moments of juvenile humor. After almost a decade of Godzilla films the Japanese film industry had perfected the use of scale and camera speed to turn the man in a monster suit into a towering threat on a grand scale. With the addition of the thundering echoes of his earthshaking steps and composer Akira Ifubuke's booming theme, Mori creates a truly impressive figure of Majin, the green-faced god who rises to administer his own brand of grim justice. Wrath of Daimajin
A brutal warlord tries to stop the flow of refugees fleeing his kingdom by conquering his neighbors, but when he chases an escaped prince into the peaceful lakeside refuge of the worshippers of Majin (located on the island in the center of the lake), he is cursed by the prince's dying father. Taking no chances, the warlord sends his men to destroy the icon with explosives and succeeds in turning the stone monolith to rubble, but it takes more than gunpowder to destroy a god. Director Kenji Misume, easily the most accomplished of the three Daimajin directors, sets the exciting adventure of avenging young Prince Jaro and loyal Lady Suyori (keeper of Majin) at a rapid pace, building to a peak for the inevitable entrance of Majin, who dramatically parts the waters. With obviously limited resources, Misume gives a near-epic look to the film with impressive set pieces (a boat of soldiers is sucked under the churning waters of the lake, a courtyard is transformed into the site of a mass public execution) without slighting his human characters--the sacrifices of Majin's followers become unexpectedly poignant moments and receive their cinematic mourning in Lady Suyori's tears. Every element comes together to create the peak of the series, an exciting and involving tale on a grand scale. --Sean Axmaker« less
"Like Wagner's "Complete Ring Cycle," one truly needs to view "The Complete Daimajin" to gain a full appreciation of the work. Here, finally, the epic saga is together in a fabulous DVD set.In what is now a more common practice, all three "Daimajin" movies were made at the same time but were released a year apart. The three stories are not related to each other, except for the mighty Daimajin itself. Always on the side of right, always waiting till the last minute to awaken and seek revenge, Daimajin brings giant stony justice on those who would wrong the innocent.This series is indeed the gem of the kaiju genre, providing both a good story and quality acting, along with a giant man in a rubber suit destroying things. The special effects are quite good. Actually, everything about this series is quite good. Fans of Japanese Samurai films or monster films cannot go wrong with this set."
It's about time... great DVD's
Kevin R. Pyrtle | NC | 08/07/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just got this three disc set of DVD's and I must say that I am extremely impressed. The ADV transfers are sharp and clear with the sound quality being very good as well. The subtitles are also clear and easy to read. As for the movies, they are in my opinion the greatest Japanese monster films ever made. The storylines, while simple, are effective and well acted. The special effects are incredible, with most of them holding up to and surpassing today's standard SciFi fest. ADV has also put together an impressive package here, featuring 3 DVD's for less than the price of two of the VHS editions, removeable subtitles, chapter selections, and some of the most creative and effective cover art ever brought to a Japanese SciFi film release. Overall, wonderful films that are finally getting their due by being released to DVD."
Highly Original Kaiju
Edward M. Erdelac | Valley Village, CA | 01/12/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD set on a whim after the interesting cover design caught my eye. My son is a big Godzilla fan, which makes me a big Godzilla fan, and I have always been a samurai movie addict, so the combination intrigued me. I was presently surprised by the quality of all three films. These are not the happy monster sock `em up that Godzilla had become in the same time period as these were made. These are intelligent, serious movies - which are quite impossible to describe without making them sound silly.Daimajin is this giant stone statue of some sort of warrior, which is protector of the feudal peasentry of its surrounding domain. It is described in the three movies as a kind of vengeful spirit trapped in stone, and as a god a la King Kong. Whichever incarnation is easiest to accept, I guess is left up to the viewer.The plot of all three movies moves in the same structure. There is trouble in paradise, someone warns the bad guys they are going to incur the anger of Daimajin, bad guys don't listen and do really bad things to the peasents, tearful peasent offers to sacrifice self to Daimajin if he will set things right, and finally, Daimajin awakes and stomps the baddies in a major way.However, each movie IS different. They are not traditional sequels of each other. If you can think of how the 60's Godzillas are not at all referred to by the 90's Godzillas, that's the way these go. Each one is a stand alone story.DAIMAJIN - Basically an intro to the saga, involving peasents slaving away at hard labor for a thankless daimyo (feudal lord). When a priestess warns them about Daimajin, the daimyo decides to set the peasents straight by chiselling away at the statue. BIG mistake.RETURN OF DAIMAJIN - My personal favorite -in this one, more slaving peasents, only a band of four boys decides to cross the forbidden Majin's mountain to rescue their relatives. This sounds like SON OF GODZILLA - but it couldn't be farther from it. This is a real life and death struggle for the children, and the story has a lot of humanity. Not at all what I expected. Plus Daimajin wields his sword for the only time.WRATH OF DAIMAJIN - The weakest of the three, almost a rehash of the original, though redeemed by better Majin effects. Bogged down a little by an intrigue plot that ends up the same way as the other two.All in all, Daimajin is recommendable for its high quality widescreen compositions (there are some shots of samurai cowering in terror on the gilded pagoda rooftops while Daimajin comes thundering over the mountains which are really well done), vibrant colors, great effects, and decent acting. These are not camp, but highly orginal works of fantasy, just a notch or two below Kwaidan and Akira Kurosawa's Dreams. Relentless Akira Ifukube (Godzilla) score, and some inspired sound design too (Daimajin's footsteps remind you of this huge stone heart beating).Check it out - you won't be disappointed. Its a steal at this price."
Awesome movies, excellent quality !
ThatGuyAgain | The Meadows, Nevada | 02/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Triple feature of the giant Majin, kind of a Japanese version of the Golem. Once evoked, the giant stone statue comes to life, bent on a vengeful rampage. The video quality is beautiful, with sharp contrast and nice color saturation. Much better than the VHS versions I already own. These movies have Japanese language with removable english subtitles. No extras, other than one ersatz "trailer" which is just a promotional short produced by ADV films. The films are on three separate disks, in a special keep-sake box. My favorite is "Wrath of DaiMajin", with a scene right out of "The Ten Commandments", where the Majin parts the waters of a lake. I wish someone could publish the english language versions that were released to television, back in the late 1960's. (Unseen for over 30 years...hint, hint)"
Bring on the Stomp !
Captain MacWhirr | London,UK | 07/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love Lone wolf and cub,Zatoichi,Lady Snowblood,Hanzo and more japanese films besides.I've enjoyed Daimajin just as much,although it is aimed at a younger audience.The story outlines have been described in other reviews.I wish to re-inforce the fact that this set is printed in the original 2.35:1 aspect ratio,whilst the latest ADV individual DVD remasters are cropped to 16:9.
This fact alone made me choose the box set and I am glad I did. The prints appear pleasantly clean and sharp,as well as less dark (I believe) than the later DVDs. Highly recommended family fun and a bargain in the box set."