Cold War Russia had no greater leader than Joseph Stalin. "Stalin" is a historical look back at the Russian leader's politics and policies. Full of propaganda and anti-communist rhetoric it breaks down the conflict between... more » the United States and Russia, with plenty of scenes of Stalin via newsreels and post WWII conferences. Table of Contents: (1) "While Russia continues her aggressive attitude towards free nation's world peace, your peace and mine, will hang very precariously in the balance," states the narrator of, "Answer to Stalin." Under the supposition that Americans do not truly understand why there is tension between Russia and America, especially after being allies in World War II, every aspect of communism, Russia's supposed policy on expansion, and America's response is dissected. (1949) - 19 Minutes (2) Adolf Hitler said, "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." This is the basis of "The Big Lie," a scare tactic propaganda piece aimed to warn the people from the tyranny of dictatorship and the brutality of communists. The message of the film - made during the Cold War - is to beware of communism and to not fall victim to Stalin and his, "gang of oppressors." (1950s) - 20 Minutes (3) "Potsdam Conference" focuses on the arrival of President Harry S. Truman, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin to the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany, held from July 17 to August 2, 1945. Known as the "Big Three," the leaders met to discuss post-WWII efforts toward peace agreements. (1945) - 8 Minutes (4) "Pathe News Digest" is a newsreel focusing on various topics relevant to 1937. One reel shows Stalin inspecting his air force and shipping fleet - serves as interesting pre-war glimpse into one of the world's most notorious leaders. (1937) - 13 Minutes MADE IN THE USA« less